
Nalezeno "Financial": 4626

As US Expands Subprime Mortgage Program, Is a New Crisis Looming?

The Federal Housing Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has recently adopted new guidelines widening the scope of condo purchases eligible for lower down payment loans insured by the government. While that could lead to more members of certain social...

Crypto Regulations Are Changing Worldwide to Comply With FATF Standards

Governments worldwide are changing the way they regulate crypto assets to comply with the global cryptocurrency standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Some are amending existing laws, while others are creating a new system to cooperate and share data. Also read: China Publishes...

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Challenges the Global Financial System

Juan Villaverde is an econometrician and mathematician devoted to the analysis of cryptocurrencies since 2012. He leads the Weiss Ratings team of analysts and computer programmers who created Weiss cryptocurrency ratings. _____________ Do you still think crypto is a scam? That smart contracts...

Can the Fed Kill Bitcoin? Navigating the Chokepoints of Tax Law and KYC

Taxes. The one word that can kill any buzz in seconds flat. Whether you’re a libertarian ranting about how taxation is theft or one of those fabled creatures who is actually happy to file them as their so-called civic duty, one fact remains: those who don’t give the government a bite...

Bitcoin Price Likely to Hit $15,000 Soon, Predict Financial Experts

One of the primary purposes behind Bitcoin (BTC) picking up recognition as a safe-haven asset is, it permits speculators to invest money in cryptocurrency when the markets look wavering. With advancing trade pressures between the United States and China, just as developing vulnerability around...

Bitcoin Could ‘Insulate Portfolios’ From Financial Risks: Case Study

A new case study from the crypto-focused major asset management firm Grayscale offered some insights on how the firm sees bitcoin as a hedge against U.S.-China trade risks. In the study, dubbed Hedging U.S.-China Trade Risk with Bitcoin, Grayscale pointed out just how significant a risk they...

Bitcoin Outshines Gold Amid Risk Aversion in Financial Markets

Bitcoin is outperforming gold amid heightened uncertainty in the global markets. The world’s most valuable cryptocurrency is currently trading at $11,700, representing 16 percent gains on a month-to-date basis. Meanwhile, gold, the traditional safe-haven asset, has added 6 percent this month....


Over the last few years, Artificial Intelligence has created quite the buzz. While you may have only recently started to realize, AI has actually been an integral part of business practices for the past six years, and its impact is still spreading. The huge emphasis of Artificial Intelligence...

Currency War Erupts as US and China Bring Out the Big Guns

What started out as a trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies is now a full-blown currency war as the U.S. and China bring their big guns to the battlefield. The impact on the global financial markets was immediate and severe, driving up safe-haven assets as ordinary people...

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