
Nalezeno "united": 4514

Panasonic Becomes Latest Company to Sever Ties with Huawei

One of the most incredible fallouts from out of the trade war between the United States and China has been the way in which Chinese tech giant Huawei has found itself pushed into a corner. The US had accused that the company’s telecom equipment is used for spying by the Chinese state and eventually...

PR: Partners With to Boost Bitcoin Cash Adoption

The partnership will see integrated in the official wallet with almost 4 million usersLondon, United Kingdom –– April 30, 2019 —, - leading blockchain travel booking platform, has announced a partnership with to empower millions of travelers to save...

Před 100 lety založili Chaplin s Pickfordovou slavné filmové studio

Hvězdy němého filmu Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickfordová, Douglas Fairbanks a David W. Griffith nechtěli být nadále závislí jen na komerčních studiích a na začátku února 1919 podepsali společně smlouvu a založili vlastní distribuční společnost United Artists Corporation. Další články...

Background Sync with Service Workers

Service workers have been having a moment. In March 2018, iOS Safari began including service workers — so all major browsers at this point support offline options. And this is more important than ever — 20% of adults in the United States are without Internet at home, leaving these...

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