
Nalezeno "Financial": 4626

Youtube Censorship Drives Uptake of Crypto-Powered Video Platforms

If the prospect of greater privacy and financial sovereignty doesn’t lure the masses to crypto networks, perhaps the ability to speak freely will. Lately, a lot of people who couldn’t give a damn about peer-to-peer cryptocurrency have taken a shine to peer-to-peer networks that run...

More Signs the Next Big Financial Crisis May Begin in Germany

Germany, the locomotive of Europe’s huge economy, is entering a difficult period, various indicators suggest. And when the Federal Republic sneezes, the Old Continent usually catches cold. This time, Germany may infect the rest of the world as well. An economic and financial crisis there...

PR: Uruguayan President Meets With the Founder of SCRY

Uruguay, nicknamed South America’s Switzerland, has always taken a positive attitude towards the development of science and technology and information economy as well as science and technology services, thus becoming the first Latin American country to step into 5G information this year. Miss...

Liquidity Difficulties in China: Second Bank Bail-Out Now Reality

Although it has its peculiarities, the Chinese banking sector now faces similar challenges to the west’s financial system. Dozens of small banks have been experiencing liquidity difficulties in the past few months. Observers believe the expanding problem has the potential to trigger...

Unbanked for Buying Bitcoin: How the Financial System Criminalizes Crypto

When we think of the unbanked, we envisage citizens of developing nations who lack the means and documentation to obtain access. But you don’t have to be a Mongolian goat herder to find yourself financially excluded. In the West, relatively affluent citizens are having their banking services...

Venezuelan Government Accused of Using Bitcoin to Bypass US Sanctions

Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela have been accused of circumventing financial blockades imposed by the U.S. government. According to local reports, Maduro’s regime evades sanctions with cryptocurrency alongside an airline application called Jetman Pay....

The Next Big Financial Meltdown Is Around the Corner, Many Voices Warn

“The economy is looking great,” how many times have they told you that? And why do you usually hear it when you are late on a mortgage payment or during a downsizing purge at your company? Relying on your senses is always a safer bet than trusting the wishful thinking of those...

PR: bitHolla Releases Open Exchange Kit HollaExShell

bitHolla, the company that builds customized cryptocurrency trading software is announcing the launch of its new product HollaExShell, an open exchange software package, giving anyone the ability to launch a full fledged crypto exchange from a command-line interface. HollaEx packages provided...

Deutsche Bank Collapse Could Crash Global Financial Markets

German financial services giant Deutsche Bank AG is one of the largest and most important economic institutions in the world. Mainly due to self-imposed scandals, the bank is now having to taking drastic measures to stay afloat. Investors everywhere should note that if such a critical piece of...

G7 Agrees on Crypto Action Plan Spurred by Facebook’s Libra

G7 finance chiefs met this week and Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency was high on their agenda. They agreed on several crypto initiatives and fast regulatory responses to projects such as Libra, calling for them to meet the highest standards of financial regulation. Also read: G20 Leaders Issue...

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