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Create a Responsive CSS Motion Path? Sure We Can!

There was a discussion recently on the Animation at Work Slack: how could you make a CSS motion path responsive? What techniques would be work? This got me thinking. A CSS motion path allows us to animate elements along custom user-defined paths. Those paths follow the same structure as SVG paths....

Thinking in Behaviors, Not Screen Sizes

Chase McCoy wrote a nifty post about the “gap problem” when making a grid of items. His argument might be summarized like this: how should we space elements with margins in CSS? He notes that the gap property isn’t quite ready for prime time when it comes to using it with flexbox, like this: .grid...

CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design

Ahmad Shadeed digs around the new Facebook’s front-end code. One that stood out to me: .element { inset: 4px 0; /* Which is equivalent to: top: 4px, bottom: 4px, left: 0, right: 0 */ } Whaaat? This is the first I’ve heard of the inset property. Ahmad said he saw it working...

CZ Joins Virtual Conference BlockDown 2020 as All-Star Line-up Revealed

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by Speakers for virtual blockchain conference BlockDown 2020, which will be held online globally on April 16-17, have been announced today, and attendees can look forward to hearing from crypto and blockchain’s...

A Sign of Adoption: Line Says 62% of its Exchange Users Are New to Crypto

Chat app operator Line says that 62% of its Bitmax crypto trading platform users have no prior experience in cryptoasset trading. Bitmax is accessible from the Line chat app, which Line says has 83 million users in Japan. App users can access the exchange via a tab, and can also redeem points...

Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3

Here’s something I’d never heard of before: Display-P3 support in CSS Color Module Level 4 spec. This is a new color profile supported by certain displays and it introduces a much wider range of colors that we can choose from. Right now the syntax looks something like this in CSS: header...

How They Fit Together: Transform, Translate, Rotate, Scale, and Offset

Firefox 72 was first out of the gate with "independent transforms." That is, instead of having to combine transforms together, like: .el { transform: rotate(10deg) scale(0.95) translate(10px, 10px); } ...we can do: .el { rotate: 10deg; scale: 0.95; translate: 10px 10px; } That's extremely...

Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes?

I sure didn't! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute: <ol reversed<liApple</li<liBanana</li<liPear</li</ol CodePen Embed Fallback And the start attribute can be added to begin the list at a number other...

Indicating Scroll Position on a Page With CSS

Scrolling is something we all know and do on the web to the extent that it’s an expectation or perhaps even a habit, like brushing our teeth. That’s probably why we don’t put too much thought into designing the scrolling experience — it’s a well-known basic function. In fact, the popular “there...

CSS :nth-of-class selector

That's not a thing. But it kinda is! Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former: :nth-child(2 of .bar) { } Safari...


To add inline styles on an element in JSX, you have to do it in this object syntax, like: <div style={{ fontSize: 16, marginBottom: "1rem" }}Content </div That might look a little weird to us folks who are so used to the CSS syntax, where it is font-size (not fontSize), margin-bottom...

What Does `playsinline` Mean in Web Video?

I got myself confused about this the other day, went around searching for an answer and came up empty on finding something clear. The answer actually is quite clear and I feel a little silly for not knowing it. With it in place, like this: <video src="..." controls playsinline</video Mobile...

Ideas for Distorted Link Effects on Menus

Some examples of how to use decorative distortion effects on big typography menu links. Ideas for Distorted Link Effects on Menus was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS

CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. Here's an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In this guide, let's cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. calc() is for values The only place you...

Build a Node.js Tool to Record and Compare Google Lighthouse Reports

In this tutorial, I’ll show you step by step how to create a simple tool in Node.js to run Google Lighthouse audits via the command line, save the reports they generate in JSON format and then compare them so web performance can be monitored as the website grows and develops. I’m hopeful this...

How to Make a Line Chart With CSS

Line,  bar, and pie charts are the bread and butter of dashboards and are the basic components of any data visualization toolkit. Sure, you can use SVG or a JavaScript chart library like Chart.js or a complex tool like D3 to create those charts, but what if you don't want to load yet another...

Sass !default and themeable design systems

This is a great blog post from Brad Frost where he walks us through an interesting example. Let’s say we’re making a theme and we have some Sass like this: .c-text-input { background-color: $form-background-color; padding: 10px } If the $form-background-color variable isn’t defined then...

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