
Nalezeno "P2P": 470

Privacy Is Paramount: How KYC Makes Us All Less Free

KYC (Know Your Customer) policies and endless private data collection, coupled with force-backed, violent legislation compromise the utility and ethics of crypto trading. An uncompromising stance on user privacy is critically important to crypto traders and peer-to-peer transaction. It’s...

Bitcoin People Directory Lists Crypto-Friendly Merchants

The number of businesses accepting cryptocurrencies for goods and services has been growing, particularly for P2P coins such as bitcoin cash. Finding places where you can spend your digital cash is easy thanks to platforms such as Bitcoin People. Also read: How to Buy a Cryptocurrency Hardware... Shows Lots of Active BCH Listings From Traders Worldwide

Six days ago announced the launch of, a peer-to-peer marketplace that allows people to trade bitcoin cash (BCH) in a private manner. Since then there have been roughly 14,000 accounts created so far, and many people are actively trading throughout various...

There’s 100 Unclaimed Bitcoin Cash Wallets Hidden Worldwide

Over the last few months, the geocaching treasure hunt has gathered a bunch of new hidden BCH treasures. At the time of publication, there are approximately 105 concealed bitcoin cash wallets hidden all over the world with a large portion of these funds hidden in the U.S....

Crypto Beats Fiat in Round the World Payments Race

Four contestants are currently racing their way around the globe in a quest to reach Amsterdam first. The Payments Race runs westwards from London, circling the globe before finishing at the Money 2020 event in the Dutch capital today, June 4. In keeping with its theme, each contestant must use...’s Local Bitcoin Cash Marketplace Is Now Open for Trading

The highly anticipated is now available to the general public. As of right now, anyone in the world can use the service to trade bitcoin cash (BCH) securely. Since pre-launch signups were announced last month, thousands of traders have created accounts and there are over 2,200...

Honest Nodes Spoiling a Theft Attempt Is Not a 51% Attack, BCH Devs Detail

A number of Bitcoin Cash detractors and media publications have recently been spreading a false narrative that the BCH network was ‘51% attacked.’ In reality, however, honest nodes used their hashrate to stave off attacker nodes that were attempting to steal funds on the network. Also...

How to Create a Bitcoin Cash Treasure Hunt

Creating a treasure hunt is a great way to introduce newcomers to the concept of cryptocurrency and to its actual application. It will teach them some of the basics like how a wallet works and give the finders their first few coins. Also Read: Massive Growth by P2P Exchange and AT&T Accepting...

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