
Nalezeno "chainalysis": 458

Privacy Is a Human Right Worth Fighting For

Privacy is a basic human right. It’s there in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence.” Attaining that right in an era of dragnet surveillance, mass data breaches, state-sponsored hacks...

IRS Agents Propose Draconian Tactics to Investigate Bitcoin Users

A recently published U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) slide describes alarming recommendations on how tax agents should deal with digital currency users who are not paying taxes. The slide recommends that agents question crypto users’ friends and family, comb through social media posts...

Chainalysis Whistleblower Shares Company Secrets in Explosive AMA

A current or former Chainalysis employee has gone rogue and conducted an AMA on r/Bitcoin in which he disclosed sensitive information about the company’s blockchain forensics capabilities. The whistleblower then appears to have had a change of heart and deleted all their comments. Thankfully...

Biggest Heists in Bitcoin History and How They Were Pulled Off

Bitcoin’s history is rife with hacks and heists, sometimes resulting in six-figure bitcoin losses and businesses going bankrupt, unable to pay their customers back. A new video by explores the largest bitcoin heists in history and explains how each one was pulled off. Also read:...

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