Nový test na COVID-19 je tak levný a jednoduchý, že se budete moci testovat třeba každý den
Vědci z Massachusettského technologického institutu (MIT), Broadova institutu a Harvardu vyvinuli nový test na diagnostiku onemocnění COVID-19. Novinka, pojmenovaná prostě STOPCovid, přináší výsledky za 30 až 60 minut s přesností 93 %, informuje Interesting Engineering.
Důsledné testování je
You should care about decentralized identity in the wake of COVID-19
Developing self-sovereign identity should be a leading priority for every company, legislator and investor engaged in the security industry
Nejen remdesivir. Donald Trump bere na COVID-19 i experimentální preparát firmy Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Americký prezident užívá proti koronaviru „provokativní“ novinku americké firmy Regeneron Pharmaceuticals • Oč jde? K čemu se hodí? • Čemu zabrání a čemu nikoli?
Trump, price dots and COVID-19: 5 things to watch in Bitcoin this week
Donald Trump boosts markets with improving health prospects, but coronavirus is taking its toll — Bitcoin eyes macro moves
Centralized data management hampered the global response to COVID-19
Blockchain-supported decentralization has a chance to improve the difficulties for pharmaceutical and life sciences supply chains
Pokud byl váš předek neandrtálec, možná budete mít těžký průběh Covid-19
Renomovaný časopis Nature zveřejnil novou studii (PDF), která zmiňuje jako jeden z možných faktorů těžkého průběhu nemoci Covid-19 neandrtálské geny. Nutno podotknout, že článek vyšel ve zrychleném recenzním řízení.
Za zjištěním stojí evoluční genetikové Hugo Zeberg ze švédské Karolinska
Prediction market doubts Trump will complete first term after COVID-19 diagnosis
A pump in daily volume creates an 8% swing on whether Trump will complete his first term
[aktualita] Kam jít na test? Praha spustila web s přehledem odběrových míst pro testy na COVID-19
Kde jsou v Praze nejbližší volné termíny k testování na COVID-19, kolik za test zaplatí samoplátce nebo jak si termín zarezervovat? Pražský magistrát spustil nový web s přehledem informací o odběrových místech v hlavním městě. Aplikace, která vznikla na pražské datové platformě...
A Complete Guide to Earning 5K a Month Passive Income During Covid-19
Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. Many people have been hit hard as a result of COVID 19 and with ongoing lockdowns and layoffs people are looking for ways to earn a steady monthly income from...
Gold Rises, Bitcoin Drops as Trumps Test Positive for COVID-19
Donald Trump. Source: a screenshot, Instagram/realdonaldtrump
US President Donald Trump confirmed that he and First Lady Melania Trump have both tested positive for COVID-19. Following the news, bitcoin (BTC) dropped and gold rose in the markets.
The President and the First Lady reportedly...
Bitcoin, Stocks Fall as Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
The cryptocurrency and Asian stock markets dumped early Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump announced he and his wife had tested positive to COVID-19
„Všichni zemřou.“ Elon Musk se prý proti COVID-19 očkovat nenechá
Elon Musk během rozhovoru s redaktorkou New York Times Karou Swisher prohlásil, že neplánuje nechat se očkovat proti nemoci COVID-19. On ani jeho děti prý nepatří do rizikové skupiny.
Není žádným tajemstvím, že šéf SpaceX a Tesly hrozbu koronaviru SARS-CoV-2 dlouhodobě bagatelizuje. Například
Devere Group CEO Predicts Bitcoin Can Replace Gold as Top Safe-Haven Within a Generation
A few weeks ago, Devere Group CEO and founder Nigel Green said that he believed the U.S. election would bolster the price of bitcoin. Speaking with the financial broadcast MoneyFM on Monday, Green said he also believes that bitcoin will replace gold as the ultimate financial safe haven within...
COVID-19: Decentralization the norm as workplaces adjust to new normal
COVID-19 has forced businesses around the world to adapt to new ways as crypto companies embrace the “decentralized normal.”
What the COVID-19 pandemic means for blockchain and crypto
Blockchain and cryptocurrency have great potential to help us, especially in these challenging times of the global coronavirus outbreak
Bitcoin Miner Maker Ebang Narrows First Half Loss To $7 Million, as Covid-19 Hit Demand
Ebang International Holdings Inc., the Chinese maker of bitcoin mining hardware, reported a net loss of $6.96 million during the first six months of this year, down from $19.07 million a year ago, as demand fell due to the coronavirus pandemic. Revenue plunged 51% to $11.04 million from $22.35...
Mark Cuban Wants an Expiration Date on Stimulus Checks: Critics Says Proposal Is Right out of a Banana Republic Playbook
U.S. billionaire Mark Cuban wants the next stimulus check to come with an expiration date in order to force Americans to spend the funds. The businessman believes this “use it or lose it” approach would benefit the U.S. economy as it promotes spending instead of saving. Cuban argues...
$2.4 Trillion Stimulus Package Proposed in US With Second Direct Payments to Americans
A new stimulus package costing about $2.4 trillion is being prepared in the U.S. that includes a second round of stimulus checks for Americans. Since the first coronavirus stimulus package was signed into law, talks of further relief aid have stalled. This new proposal aims to restart the stimulus...
Brazil plans to track COVID-19 vaccinations using blockchain tech
In the midst of a country-wide COVID-19 vaccination effort, Brazil looks to add blockchain-based tracking to the equation
Mapy Google mají novou vrstvu. Zobrazuje stav a vývoj epidemie onemocnění COVID-19
Google informoval o nové funkci ve své mapové aplikaci, kterou používá více než miliarda lidí takřka z celého světa. Nová vrstva „zobrazuje důležité informace o výskytu COVID-19 v oblasti, takže můžete činit informovanější rozhodnutí o tom, kam jít a co dělat.“
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