Nový patch do Cyberpunku 2077 přinesl kromě oprav i další zásadní chybu
Dlouho očekávaná záplata trestuhodně rozbité hry Cyberpunk 2077 reputaci CD Projektu nezlepšila. Sice bylo vyřešeno spoustu chyb, přibila však jedna nová, která vás může stát i několik hodin postupu
Cyberpunk 2077’s dystopian future can be avoided with blockchain tech
The rising influence of Big Tech may make Cyberpunk 2077’s future our reality, but there is a chance to fight it with blockchain technology
Cyberpunk 2077's Latest Patch Reportedly Added A Game-Breaking Bug
Last night, CD Projekt Red dropped the first major update for its troubled open-world shooter, Cyberpunk 2077. “Major” is a relative term. While larger than previous updates, yesterday’s patch 1.1 focuses more on stability fixes rather than a wide-ranging overhaul. In fact, it may have even made...
Cyberpunk 2077’s First Major Patch Is Finally Out For All Platforms
Like the federal government, CD Projekt Red dropped a major update at 5 p.m. on a Friday. The first major patch for Cyberpunk 2077 is officially out, nine days after the developer apologized for the state of the game’s console release and promised a major patch within ten days. Patch 1.1 addresses...
Friday's Best Deals: MaryRuth Organics, Board Games, Razer Accessories, TheraBox, Gaming Chair, MagSafe Charger, The Sims 4, XPG 4TB NVMe SSD, and More
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Podívejte se, jak mohl vypadat Johnny ze Cyberpunku, nebýt Keanu Reevese
Herec Keanu Reeves se stal bez diskusí hlavní tváří loňského hitu Cyberpunk 2077. Ještě než ale došlo k jeho obsazení, bylo vytvořeno několik odlišných konceptů. Jedna z vývojářek hry některé zveřejnila na internetu
Report: $250 Collector's Edition Of Cyberpunk 2077 Gets Refunded, Player Gets To Keep It Anyway
For the last month, digital storefronts, brick-and-mortar retailers, and developer CD Projekt Red have been processing refunds for Cyberpunk 2077’s busted console version. That includes the game’s $250 collector’s edition, which in one case CDPR refunded without making the customer in question...
Thursday's Best Deals: CamelBak Water Bottles, Cyberpunk 2077, Funko Pops, Disney Store Sale, AirPods Pro, Entrige Vacuum Sealer, Tiger Electronics Games, and More
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Odpadlo z Cyberpunku 2077. Sliby vývojářů, které se do hry nedostaly
Dlouhý vývoj se na finální podobě Cyberpunku výrazně podepsal a mnoho původně slibovaných věcí se do něho nedostalo. Je to přirozená součást kreativního procesu, nebo vědomý podvod na hráče? Posuďte sami
The Art Of Cyberpunk 2077
While the game itself may not have entered full-blown development until 2016, some of the stuff you’ll see in this collection of concept and production art dates as far back as 2013. Read more
Tuesday's Best Deals: Hitman 3, Fire HD 8 Tablet, Juku STEAM Coding Kits, Cuisinart Knife Set, Peach & Lily Glass Skin Serum, Aukey USB-C Car Charger, and More
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The 10 Best Deals of January 18, 2021
Monday’s Best Deals | Kinja DealsRead more
Johnny Mnemonic's Cyber-Dolphin Is Still the Apex of Cyberpunk
It’s hard to make the cyberpunk genre feel fresh nowadays. Its tried-and-true tenets of a dystopian future overrun by corporations and technology have, after all, been true for a while. Of course, cybernetic implants aren’t de rigeur in the real world so we can’t have secret chainsaws in our hands...
Report: Cyberpunk Development Didn't Really Start Until 2016
Cyberpunk 2077 was announced back in 2012 and shown off to the world with a cinematic trailer in 2013, but work on the game didn’t begin for real until 2016, according to a new report by Bloomberg. That’s when CD Projekt studio head Adam Badowski took over as director, several veteran developers...
Cyberpunk Anime Keanu Figure Is Just Happy To Be Here
Cyberpunk 2077 has had some problems, sure, but that doesn’t mean people don’t want adorable toys. Good Smile Company’s Nendoroid Johnny Silverhand figure’s got that big, soulful, Keanu Reeves energy in a tiny, big-headed package.Read more
These Third-Party Mods Make 'Cyberpunk 2077' Tolerable
Assuming you haven’t thrown your hands up in the air and demanded a refund for the Duke Nukem-like gaming experience that is Cyberpunk 2077, there are a number of mods you can grab that address some of its issues and, dare I say it, make it more fun to play. At the very least, they’ll tide...
Spoluzakladatel CD Projektu se omluvil za Cyberpunk, slíbil konec přesčasů
Marcin Iwinski, jeden ze dvou zakladatelů donedávna oblíbené polské společnosti CD Projekt Red, natočil pětiminutový vzkaz fanouškům. Pokusil se v něm vysvětlit, co vedlo k nepovedenému launchi očekávané hry, a nastínil plány do budoucna
CD Projekt Red Apologizes For Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs, Says It's Avoiding Crunch On 'All Future Projects'
In a video on Twitter and Q&A posted on the company’s website, CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwiński apologized for the state Cyberpunk 2077 launched in on consoles, shared a road map for updates to the game coming in the future, and said the studio would deliver these fixes “without...
Cyberpunk 2077, One Month Later
After multiple delays, reports of mandatory overtime at the studio, and a years-long, nauseating hype train inescapably intertwined with edgelord marketing tactics and transphobia, CD Projekt Red finally released Cyberpunk 2077 into the world at the tail end of last year, and almost every day...
Aktivisté volají po cenzuře příliš prsaté hry, autoři to odmítají
Na Nintendo Switch počátkem měsíce dorazila hra Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, kterou by někteří rádi cenzurovali. Autoři obdrželi celou řadu nadávek a vyhrůžek, a to jen proto, že jejich hra je sexuálně explicitní. Vydavatelství hry se proti cenzuře důrazně ohradilo