White Hat Hacker Reveals High-Risk Vulnerability on SushiSwap
A white-hat hacker recently took the DeFi sector by storm after allegedly speaking about high-risk vulnerabilities on SushiSwap. According to the anonymous hacker, the vulnerabilities can risk user funds worth billions of dollars. SushiSwap developers could not secretly fix the issue, resulting...
SushiSwap denies reports of billion dollar bug
Claims by a self professed white-hat hacker about a major security risk to SushiSwap liquidity providers have been rejected by one of the exchange’s devs
Avalanche Defi Platform Vee Finance Attacked — $35 Million in ETH, BTC Siphoned
On September 21, 2021, an Avalanche-based decentralized finance (defi) platform Vee Finance announced that it suffered from an incident that siphoned 8,804 ether and 213 bitcoin out of the system. The team has suspended the defi platform contracts and stressed that the stablecoins have not been...
Custodial Lightning Network Service Attack Discovered by LN ‘Newbie’ — Hacker Strikes 6 LN Custodians
On September 18, a Redditor posted to the r/bitcoin forum and explained how he discovered a way to “attack [the] lightning Network’s custodial services.” The Reddit account dubbed “Reckless Satoshi” wanted to figure out if a “discrepancy between real...
Hacker vymyslel způsob, jak schovat malware do paměti grafické karty. Žádný antivirus si s tím neporadí
Hackerské útoky a malware jsou stále pokročilejší a tvůrci těchto programů se dostali i do místa, kde to zatím nikdo nečeká – paměti grafické karty.
Koncept využití grafické karty pro chod malwaru i ukládání dat byl vědci představen už v roce 2013 (PDF) a další výzkumy se objevily ještě v
[aktualita] Poly Network hack: Útočník slíbil, že uživatelům vrátí víc kryptoměn, než kolik jich ukradl
Platforma Poly Network oznámila, že zahájila proces vracení ukradených kryptoměn jejich původním vlastníkům. Upozornil na to server The Verge. Firmu před několika týdny napadl hacker, který z platformy ukradl tokeny Ethereum, Binance Blockchain nebo Dogecoin za více než 600 milionů dolarů. Útočník...
Hacker, který ukradl kryptoměny za 13 miliard korun, dodržel slib. Vrátil celou částku zpět
Případ ukradených kryptoměn za více než 13 miliard korun z blockchainové platformy Poly Network má dobrý konec. Neznámý hacker vrátil veškeré prostředky zpět, jak původně slíbil. Provozovatel oficiálně oznámil, že zahajuje vracení odcizených aktiv klientům.
Poly Network uvádí, že ho čeká ještě
A Tale of Two Hacks: Poly Hacker Bows Out, Liquid to Restore Operations
In the aftermath of the recent hacks that targeted interoperability protocol Poly Network and Japanese crypto exchange Liquid, both entities are signalling efforts to restore their operations, as well as freeze and return the stolen assets. Amidst all that, Poly Network's hacker has apologized...
[aktualita] Hacker nechce vrátit kradené kryptoměny z Poly Network, ta mu nabídla zaměstnání
Neznámý hacker (nebo skupina hackerů) s přezdívkou Mr. White Hat, který ukradl z de-fi platformy Poly Network kryptoměny v hodnotě více než 600 milionů dolarů, zdržuje vrácení zbývajících kryptoměn v hodnotě více než 200 milionů dolarů. Tokeny za stovky milionů dolarů leží v peněžence, která...
Crypto Exchange Liquid Hacked, Loses Millions in Various Currencies
Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid is suspending deposits and withdrawals after a security breach resulting in the loss of around an estimated $80 million in digital assets. The platform published the suspected hacker’s addresses and said it’s moving funds to cold storage. Hacker...
Nečekaný happyend. Hacker ukradl kryptoměny, pak je vrátil a teď mu okradená firma nabízí práci
Dosud neznámý hacker odcizil kryptoměny za 13 miliard korun • Provozovatel platformy mu nyní nabízí práci bezpečnostního poradce • Útočník zatím nevrátil celou odcizenou částku
White hat potentially saves SushiSwap $350M by finding ‘obvious’ exploit
The security researcher found a flaw in a dutch auction smart contract that could have resulted in the loss of 109,000 ETH
Poly Hacker Prolongs Return of Funds, Offered Position of Chief Security Advisor
The biggest decentralized finance (DeFi) hack, of interoperability protocol Poly Network, with roughly USD 600m stolen is not over just yet, as the attacker has not yet provided the final key of the multisignature wallet, stating that they will provide it "when everyone is ready."...
US Government Now Offers Informants Crypto Rewards in Addition to Bank Wires, Suitcases Full of Cash
Attendees of the Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas were introduced to a new advertisement crafted by the U.S. State Department. According to individuals who accessed the government advertisement via an open Wi-Fi network called “#Rewardsnotransoms” they discovered the U.S....
Hacker ukradl kryptoměny za 13 miliard korun. Teď je postupně vrací. Proč?
Dosud neznámý útočník zneužil zranitelnost blockchainové platformy Poly Network a odcizil kryptoměny za více než 600 milionů dolarů (asi 13 miliard Kč). Provozovatel zveřejnil výzvu k vrácení odcizených digitálních aktiv. Poněkud překvapivě začal hacker svůj lup skutečně vracet.
Poly Network
Poly Network Says Stolen User Assets on ETH Have Been Returned, Except Frozen USDT
On Friday, a few days after the initial hack for $611 million, the Poly Network project detailed that the company has obtained all the assets stolen minus the frozen tether that was blacklisted by Tether Limited. The Poly Network team said they are in control of the funds along with “Mr....
'Shall We Play a Game', Asks Poly Network Hacker Upon Returning the Funds
As nearly all stolen funds from the massive hack of the decentralized finance (DeFi) interoperability protocol Poly Network have been returned, the hacker continued their Q&A session, consciously providing some clues about their identity - as well as saying they have been offered half a million...
Poly Network hacker returns nearly all funds, refuses $500K white hat bounty
"The poly did offered a bounty, but I have never responded to them. Instead, I will send all of their money back," said the hacker
Poly Network Hacker Says ‘In the Defi World Code Is Law’ While Returning Millions in Defi Tokens
Two days after the notorious Poly Network hack, the hacker continues to send funds back to the project. On August 12, the Poly Network hacker so far has returned millions worth of ether, thousands of uni tokens, 1,032 wrapped bitcoins, and 96 million in stablecoins. The day prior, after returning...
Poly Network Hacker Keeps Sending Funds Back, Returns USD 342M
The hacker of the decentralized finance (DeFi) interoperability protocol Poly Network has returned more than half (in USD terms) of the stolen funds so far.
Per the latest data provided by Poly Network, as of August 12, almost USD 342m of assets has been returned. This includes:
On Binance Smart...