For Nine Years, I Have Somehow Avoided Finding Out How Mass Effect 3 Ends
It didn’t start out as something I tried to do. It just happened. The year was 2012. I’d reached the point in Mass Effect 3 where it felt like I was one or two loose ends away from heading into the grand finale. Then, for various reasons, I stopped. It has been nearly a decade since. Somehow...
Vylepšená trilogie Mass Effect bude krotit záběry kamer na pozadí hrdinky
Zatímco se Legendary Edition trilogie Mass Effect nese zejména ve znamení grafických vylepšení, autoři také ladili i kameru během konverzací. Byly zde totiž nevhodné záběry na pozadí jedné z postav nebo na samotnou hrdinku hry
In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, BioWare Bounces Bootylicious Butt Shots
With the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the team at BioWare is working on updating graphics and textures and showing a little more love to the first game’s Female Shepard model, to bring her image in line with the rest of the trilogy. The team is also tweaking some camera angles to make things...
The Mass Effect Remaster's New Look Isn't Doing It For Me
This week we got our first good look at BioWare’s Mass Effect trilogy remaster, and I have to say it hasn’t immediately won me over, especially when it comes to the first game.Read more
Merging traditional finance and DeFi is critical for mass adoption
If we want to achieve mainstream adoption, we must move toward an industry where DeFi can also serve legacy financial institutions
Remaster Mass Effectu vyžaduje 120 GB na disku, ale jinak náročný není
Autoři vylepšené verze oblíbeného Mass Effectu sice slibují mnoho grafických vylepšení, nemusíte se však bát, že by váš počítač měl s hrou vážné problémy. Hardwarové požadavky totiž na dnešní dobu patří spíš k těm nižším
Mass Effect DLC Missing From Remaster Due To Corrupted Source Code
On May 14, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will bring 4K versions of the original Mass Effect trilogy plus most of its downloadable content to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. However, one single-player expansion is notably absent: the first game’s Pinnacle Station. According to an interview with Game...
Remaster Mass Effectu nebude kompletní, ztratil se zdrojový kód jednoho DLC
Přes veškerou snahu se autorům chystaného remasteru trilogie Mass Effect nepodaří přinést úplně veškerý obsah, který byl ke hrám dodatečně přidáván. V průběhu času se ztratily nebo poškodily původní zdrojové kódy DLC Pinnacle Station. Velká ztráta to však není
How To Pre-Order Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and Time Travel Back To Your Gaming Glory Days
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (PS4) | $60 | Amazon, Best BuyMass Effect: Legendary Edition (Xbox) | $60 | Amazon, Best BuyMass Effect Legendary Cache | $150 | Best BuyRead more
How I Combined an Ultrawide and Portable Monitor for a Kickass Dual-Display Setup
Top Product: LG 34GK950F-B 34" Ultrawide Monitor | $897 | AmazonRead more
Remaster Mass Effectu se změn nebojí, příběh ale zůstane stejný
Electronic Arts odhalili všechny detaily chystaného remasteru kultovní sci-fi trilogie Mass Effect. Kromě očekávaného vylepšení grafiky se částečně změní i některé herní mechanismy, obzvláště u nejstaršího prvního dílu
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Out May 14
This is big news for all Mass Effect fans but even bigger news for me, personally, as I won’t have to wait long to protect Garrus Vakarian from certain doom. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out on May 14 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.Read more
Get All Your Streaming Apps in a Row With This 58" Westinghouse 4K Roku TV for $300
Westinghouse 58" 4K Roku TV | $300 | Best BuyRead more
Take Your Pick: Get a 32" Hisense Smart TV for $110 or a 75" 4K One for $630
Hisense 32" HD Smart TV | $110 | Best BuyHisense 75" 4K Smart TV | $630 | Best BuyRead more
Twitch Embeds Keep Getting Worse
In the past couple months, the experience of watching Twitch via third-party sites or tools like MultiTwitch has become... fraught. A purple screen sometimes obscures whatever you’re watching. It implores you to tune in on Twitch dot television instead. Eventually, it disappears. Then, every...
So, I May Have Made A Mistake In Mass Effect 2
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I did everything right in Mass Effect 2. I slapped armor plating on the Normandy and equipped it with a shield. I gave it a big fucking cannon. I even tackled (most of) the game’s loyalty missions. I was ready for the final battle, and went through the Omega-4...
Mass Effect 2 Almost Had Another Gay Romance, With Jacob
Turns out Jack’s pansexuality wasn’t the only instance of BioWare scrubbing same-sex romance from Mass Effect 2 before it shipped. Jonathan Cooper, a former BioWare cinematic animator, revealed on Twitter this morning that his team also worked on a similar scene involving party member Jacob...
Twitch Is Cracking Down On Small (But Not Big) Streamers Who Made Channels Before They Turned 13
AverageHarry, a 15 year-old aspiring Twitch streamer from the UK, was in spitting distance of his dream. He’d had a breakout 2020, amassing an audience of nearly 90,000 followers, somewhat ironically off the back of a viral clip in which randos in a hotel lobby made fun of him for streaming. Late...
Pragmatism: The true key to unlocking crypto mass adoption
Let’s double down on making crypto accessible and usable for real people
BioWare chystají sběratelskou figurku Garruse z Mass Effectu