Czechitas i #HolkyzMarketingu: Vedení Facebooku podpořilo šéfky českých internetových projektů
Čtyři české projekty a jejich zakladatelky představily své nápady v regionální centrále Facebooku ve Varšavě. Vedení největší sociální sítě v čele s evropskou ředitelkou firmy, Nicolou Mendelsohn, pozvalo úspěšné ženy a jejich iniciativy k diskusi o budoucnosti skupin a komunit na Facebooku....
South Korea Convenes Pan-Governmental Meeting Amid Concern Over Crypto Market Spike
A South Korean pan-governmental meeting has reportedly been held to establish closer monitoring of the country’s crypto space amid the recent sharp uptick in crypto valuations
Simple & Boring
Simplicity is a funny adjective in web design and development. I'm sure it's a quoted goal for just about every project ever done. Nobody walks into a kickoff meeting like, "Hey team, design something complicated for me. Oh, and make sure the implementation is convoluted as well. Over-engineer that...
Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit For CSS
Rachel Andrew says that the CSS Working Group designed an aspect ration unit at a recent meeting. The idea is to find an elegant solution to those times when we want the height of an element to be calculated in response to the width of the element, or vice versa.
Say, for example, we have a grid...