Ayn Rand: Francisco d’Anconia’s Speech on Money
“So you think that money is the root of all evil?” said Francisco d’Anconia. “Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of...
Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool
There are some neat interactive demos in here from Thiru Manikandan. There are a couple of very tricky things with z-index that never fail to confuse. In addition to things like requiring positioning and source order, the trickiest are the stacking contexts and parent/child relationships. z-index...
Live Casinos: Things You Should Know
The format of live casino has become quite popular of late. It is different from the conventional setting in a way that here action happens on a real-time basis. The excitement and level of adrenaline are quite insane in betting that is done on live casinos. That said, players who are interested...
A CSS methodology from Andy Bell:
The most important part of this methodology is the language itself: CSS. It’s key to note its existence in the name because some alternative approaches, such as BEM—which I have enjoyed for many years—can veer very far away from Cascading Style Sheets. I love CSS...
On Adding IDs to Headers
Here’s a two-second review. If an element has an ID, you can link to it with natural browser behavior. It’s great if headings have them, because it’s often useful to link directly to a specific section of content.
<h3 id="step-2"Step 2</a
Should I be so inclined, I could...
CoinMarketCap Launches Chat
As you may or may not have noticed, CoinMarketCap released a long-awaited logins function for its website this week. UsersContinue Reading
The post CoinMarketCap Launches Chat appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Creative Background Patterns Using Gradients, CSS Shapes, and Even Emojis
You can create stripes in CSS. That’s all I thought about in terms of CSS background patterns for a long time. There’s nothing wrong with stripes; stripes are cool. They can be customized into wide and narrow bands, criss-crossed into a checked pattern, and played with in other ways using the idea...
CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers
Šime Vidas with the lowdown on what these pseudo-selectors are and why they will be useful:
:is() is to reduce repetition¹ of parts of comma-separated selectors.
:where() is the same, but nothing inside it affects specificity. The example of wrapping :where(:not()) is really great, as now there...
Elrond Will Pay You $60,000 to Break Its Blockchain
Elrond is conducting a “trial-by-fire” exercise on its blockchain protocol, offering big bounties to white-hat hackers who can disrupt the network
You Say You Want a Revolution: What Blockchain Can Learn from One Man’s Attempt to Save the World
The blockchain industry’s belief in its own inevitability could become a fatal blindspot. Buckminster Fuller provides a compelling narrative, methodology, and cautionary tale for builders seeking to change the world
Making My Netlify Build Run Sass
Let’s say you wanted to build a site with Eleventy as the generator. Popular choice these days! Eleventy doesn’t have some particularly blessed way of preprocessing your CSS, if that’s something you want to do. There are a variety of ways to do it and perhaps that freedom is part...
The Buy Zone – Knowing Where To Buy And Sell
If you’ve ever dabbled in the trading world, chances are you’ve heard about moving averages. But what are they for? Continue Reading
The post The Buy Zone – Knowing Where To Buy And Sell appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
The Trickery it Takes to Create eBook-Like Text Columns
There’s some interesting CSS trickery in Jason Pamental’s latest Web Fonts & Typography News. Jason wanted to bring swipeable columns to his digital book experience on mobile. Which brings up an interesting question right away… how do you set full-width columns that...
A New Token Lets You Save on Ethereum Fees by ‘Storing’ Gas
A new Ethereum “gas token” can help users save on fees by storing cheap gas in periods of inactivity, using a clever contract trick that refunds gas when freeing storage
66% of Coinbase Users Willing to Leave the Exchange Due to Mounting Privacy Concerns
Two-thirds of people who use Coinbase are willing to leave the platform following reports that the U.S. exchange plans to sell user data to two government agencies for $250,000. Cryptocurrency trader and analyst John Rager carried out a poll on Twitter, asking his 73,000 followers: “Would...
Justin Sun Buys Your Company… What Do You Do?
In case you were wondering how much we pull our punches in Cointelegraph Magazine, consider this assessment of Justin Sun, from the article directly below: “Derided by some as a lightweight showman, the P.T. Barnum of crypto, others see him as a marketing genius whose penchant for...
Diverse Illustration
Hey gang, #BlackLivesMatter.
One tiny way I thought we could help here on this site, aside from our efforts as individuals, is to highlight some design resources that are both excellent and feature Black people. Representation matters.
Here’s one. You know Pablo Stanley? Pablo is a wonderful...
Carl Watner: The Tragedy of Political Government
“What is tragic about political government?” you might ask. Let us return to that question once we have examined the nature of political government and the State. In order to distinguish between government and other institutions in society we must look at the ways human behavior can...
Armoney Recommends Only the Following Cryptocurrencies in India
So, what is cryptocurrency? It’s an internet medium to exchange funds between individuals or corporations to conduct financial transactions. An individual becomes a bank and has control over his own money. Post-COVID will be the beginning of an online transaction era, without the need to...
A/B Testing Instant.Page With Netlify and Speedcurve
Instant.Page does one special thing to make sites faster: it preloads the next page when it’s pretty sure you’re going to click a link (either by hovering over 65ms or mousedown on desktop, or touchstart on mobile), so when you do complete the click (probably a few hundred milliseconds...