
Nalezeno "TIME": 4699

See No Evil: Hidden Content and Accessibility

There is no one true way to hide something on the web. Nor should there be, because hiding is too vague. Are you hiding visually or temporarily (like a user menu), but the content should still be accessible? Are you hiding it from assistive tech on purpose? Are you showing it to assistive tech...

Planning for Responsive Images

The first time I made an image responsive, it was as simple as coding these four lines: img { max-width: 100%; height auto; /* default */ } Though that worked for me as a developer, it wasn’t the best for the audience. What happens if the the image in the src attribute is heavy? On high-end...

How to Set Commit Author

I’ve worn dozens of hats on a dozen different teams during my time at Mozilla, but none has been as rewarding and challenging as community management. Whether it’s mentoring students, welcoming new contributors, or reviewing pull requests, there’s always so much to be done....

Downsides of Smooth Scrolling

Smooth scrolling has gotten a lot easier. If you want it all the time on your page, and you are happy letting the browser deal with the duration for you, it's a single line of CSS: html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } I tried this on version 17 of this site, and it was the second most-hated thing...

Level up your JavaScript error monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time. Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...

Level up your JavaScript error monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time. Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...

The Bottleneck of the Web

Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU": Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...

Jak na Instagram: 10 rad a tipů od profesionální influencerky

Instagram nepřestává poutat pozornost: tam, kde se jednotlivým uživatelům snadno sbírají srdíčka, mají podobnou šanci i značky. Na to, jak – alespoň pro začátek – zaujmout, přitom stačí dodržovat pár základních pravidel. Není to tajemství, ale je třeba ptát se na správných místech....

Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Building a Flexible Grid System

Last time, we looked at a few possible approaches for declaring and using CSS custom properties in responsive designs. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at CSS variables and how to use them in reusable components and modules. We will learn how to make our variables optional and set fallback...

Getting Started with Gridsome

The era of Static Site Generators is changing over time, a lot of cool tools are being created to help foster the

JavaScript Proxy

I’ve always loved the flexibility of Objects and prototypes in JavaScript, but for a long time, I felt that a level of dynamism was lacking. JavaScript eventually added get and set methods for object properties, which was an awesome step, but there was still room for improvement....

MVC in an Angular World

When designing software with a user interface, it is important to structure the code in a way that makes it easy to extend and maintain. Over time, there have been a few approaches in separating ou

Deliver your best work with the help of

(This is a sponsored post.) Here's the situation: You've bashed out a complicated design over two weeks of near full-time effort, gotten everything down to the exact spec of the design file, turn it in for stakeholder review and... you're way off scope. Turns out a few folks on the team put their...

Deliver your best work with the help of

(This is a sponsored post.) Here's the situation: You've bashed out a complicated design over two weeks of near full-time effort, gotten everything down to the exact spec of the design file, turn it in for stakeholder review and... you're way off scope. Turns out a few folks on the team put their... is a pretty cool project from Alexandre Dieulot. Alexandre has been at this idea for half a decade now, as InstantClick is his and is essentially the same exact idea. The idea is that there is a significant delay between hovering over a link and clicking that link. Say it takes...

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