
Nalezeno "IRS": 518

IRS to Require 150 Million Tax Filers to Disclose Crypto Dealings

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has unveiled a new draft tax form used by some 150 million people in the country to file tax returns. It has a section that requires them to answer whether they have received, sold, sent, exchanged, or acquired any financial interest in any cryptocurrencies...

5,200 Tobacco Shops in France Now Sell Bitcoin

Bitcoin can now be purchased at 5,200 tobacco shops in France. Fintech startup Keplerk launched the service on Oct. 10 after halting it for many months. France’s 24,000 licensed tobacco shops have diversified into non-tobacco products to boost revenue. Also read: IRS Issues New Crypto...

IRS Issues New Crypto Tax Guidance After 5 Years – Experts Weigh In

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued long-awaited guidance on the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies. It is generally described by the crypto community as a mixed bag since some parts are useful while others have raised many more questions, particularly how cryptocurrencies from hard...

IRS Releases ‘Tax Cheat’ Info Raising Concerns About Crypto Theft

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a new report and infographic on Thursday illustrating unpaid or underpaid taxes for the years 2011 – 2013. The numbers reflect estimates based on the last such findings, for the years 2008 – 2010. With commissioner Chuck Rettig citing...

IRS Warns SMEs: Our Agents Are Trained to Value and Seize Your Crypto

Source: iStock/Photographer, Filmmaker, Designer America’s top tax authority, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a chilling warning to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that deal with cryptocurrencies. The agency said that it will step up its collection efforts and criminal...

10 Tax Tools to Help Crypto Owners

While tax laws on cryptocurrency vary by jurisdiction, there are many useful tools to help you calculate crypto taxes, lower your tax liabilities, and simplify your filing — no matter where you are. Many of them work globally, supporting tax forms of multiple countries, and can import data...

Indian Parliament Member Helping Crypto Community Influence Regulation

The Indian crypto community has made progress towards influencing the government’s crypto policies. Some industry leaders have met with an influential lawmaker who has agreed to help bring about positive crypto regulation in the country. Also read: India’s Popular ‘Who Wants to...

‘Not an Audit’: IRS Notice Could Spell Trouble for Crypto Traders

The IRS took to Twitter on August, 26, posting a video about recently mailed CP2000 notices, of special interest to crypto traders. The notice, which seeks to rectify discrepancies made by recipients in tax reporting, is another in a series of crypto-related letters recently sent by the agency....

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