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Things you can do with a browser in 2020

I edit a good amount of technical articles about the web, and there is a tendency for authors to be super broad in their opening sentence, like "What we're able to do on the web has expanded greatly over the years." I tend to remove stuff like that because it usually doesn't serve the article well...

Our Learning Partner: Frontend Masters

I'd like to think there is a lot to learn on CSS-Tricks. But we don't really offer much by the way of courses. You're probably reading this because you just generally read this site, and you land on CSS-Tricks otherwise mostly because you are looking for an answer to some front-end... Platform Rewards Content Creators With Bitcoin Cash Incentives

Since the platform’s launch, the Bitcoin Cash-centric blogging site has gathered a lot of traction. The website’s user base publishes interesting content and new material on a daily basis with the most popular authors gathering tips in bitcoin cash for their work. Also Read:...

Thank You (2019 Edition)

One of our yearly traditions here is to thank all y'all CSS-Tricks readers at the passing of a new year. It means a lot to me that people come here and read the words I write, and the words of all our staff and guest authors that contribute here as well. Thank you! Plus, we dig into the numbers...

Google Restores Metamask App After Community Uproar

Similar to how it’s restored some crypto Youtube channels after a lot of pushback from the crypto community, Google has now restored Metamask to the Play Store. Either the tech giant is sensitive to claims of hurting innovation and competition or it is simply not ready yet to enforce a ban...

A Use Case for a Parent Selector

Having a "parent selector" in CSS is mentioned regularly as something CSS could really use. I feel like I've had that thought plenty of times myself, but then when I ask my brain for a use case, I find it hard to think of one. Well, I just had one so I thought I'd document it here. A classic...

Number of Israeli Blockchain Companies Grew by 32% in 2019

Despite the harsh market conditions this year, high profile closures of a few ventures and a lot of employee downsizing, the number of companies operating in the blockchain and cryptocurrency fields in Israel actually grew by 32% in 2019. Also Read: Bankrupt DX Exchange Didn’t Pay Israeli...

Cashshuffle and the SLP Token Universe Shined Brightly in 2019

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network has seen a lot of development in 2019, but two projects in particular have shined brightly throughout the year. The growth of the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) universe has been vast and there are thousands of SLP tokens out there today. Additionally, the BCH mixing...

Two Lessons I Learned From Making React Components

Here’s a couple of lessons I’ve learned about how not to build React components. These are things I've come across over the past couple of months and thought they might be of interest to you if you’re working on a design system, especially one with a bunch of legacy technical decisions and a lot...

Indian State of Kerala to Produce 20,000 Blockchain Specialists in 2 Years

Beijing’s sudden rush into blockchain development and digital currency hasn’t gone unnoticed. From America to Europe and back to Asia, governments have started thinking about this new racetrack in more serious terms. India has a history of tensions with China, although the countries...

The Origin Story of Container Queries

Container queries don’t exist today but a lot of web developers have been arguing in their favor lately. At first, the idea sounds relatively simple: whereas media queries allow us to make style changes based on the width of the browser, container queries would allow us to make style updates when...

Beam, BCH and Zcash Will Join BTC in Halving Their Mining Rewards

There’s been a lot of noise about Bitcoin’s halving, set to occur in May, and the effect this will have on price as BTC’s mining reward is slashed. It’s not the only PoW coin gearing up for a major reduction in its emission rate next year, with Bitcoin Cash, Beam, and Zcash...

CSS Architecture for Modern JavaScript Applications

There is a lot to like from Mike Riethmuller here: The title. When you're building a website from JavaScript-powered components anyway, that is a moment to talk about how to do styling, because it opens some doors to JavaScript-powered styles that you probably wouldn't otherwise choose. The...

Crypto Employees in China Work From Home to Avoid Government Pressure

Not too long after embracing blockchain, Beijing has made it clear, one way or the other, that it didn’t mean Bitcoin. Increased scrutiny over the cryptocurrency sector and harsh measures against some companies have been implemented to supposedly protect citizens from scams. Sources say...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

We are Programmers

Building websites is programming. Writing HTML and CSS is programming. I am a programmer, and if you're here, reading CSS-Tricks, chances are you're a programmer, too. The thing is, the details in programming layout with CSS are different, for example, than the details in programming API endpoints...

Growing Accessibility Conversations

I started this year on a new path at Knowbility — to help people and organizations create accessible content and apps. But what was exciting and helped motivate me more were two things: WebAIM's Accessibility Analysis of One Million Page Homepages. With over 97% of sites having WCAG failure...

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