Microsoft Sells Three Bethesdas Worth Of Minecraft Goggles To The US Military
In 2015, Microsoft showed off its fancy new HoloLens augmented reality goggles with a very impressive Minecraft demo. In 2021, the company has just agreed to sell “up to 22 billion” worth of headsets based on that original tech to the US military.Read more
Dvision Network Reveals First NFT Character From Limited Edition Series
PRESS RELEASE. Blockchain-based virtual reality platform Dvision Network is finally releasing the first limited-edition NFT item that will be placed for auction on OpenSea Marketplace. Dvision revealed this in a tweet on March 30, 2021. Dvision Boy First Character from Limited Edition Series...
[aktualita] Praha spouští projekt Brejlando, který zpřístupní divadelní hry prostřednictvím virtuální reality
Hlavní město Praha a kreativní skupina Brainz Studio představily projekt Brejlando, který prostřednictvím virtuální reality zpřístupní hry ze zavřených pražských divadel. Hry budou přenášené přes VR brýle, které zájemcům bude vozit kurýr. První zájemci mohou navštívit divadlo ve virtuální realitě...
Dvision Network Set to Release Limited-Edition NFT Characters
The NFT sector continues to grow, and it is no surprise that Dvision Network is looking to release NFTs. The Virtual Reality blockchain platform offers users the opportunity to purchase virtual space within its ecosystem, and NFTs are a significant part of this. Limited-Edition NFT Characters...
[aktualita] Národní superpočítačové centrum rozjelo laboratoř vizualizace a virtuální reality
V národním superpočítačovém centru IT4Innovations při Vysoké škole báňské v Ostravě mají novou pěknou “hračku”. Do provozu byla uvedena Laboratoř vizualizace a virtuální reality. Ta má podpořit aktivity kolem superpočítačů, a to pomocí vizualizace 3D obsahu skrze velkoplošné 3D projekce a VR brýlí....
A Pikmin Game Is Coming To Phones
Nintendo and Niantic, the same pair behind mobile juggernaut Pokemon Go, are going to release a new augmented reality game later this year that’s all about Pikmin.Read more
Next-gen ovladač virtuální reality pro PlayStation 5 bude mít tvar koule
Sony dosud prozradilo jen to, že chystá novou verzi virtuální reality PS VR a že letos hotová nebude. Nyní přichází konečně s něčím konkrétním, a to podobou nového ovladače
PS5 VR Controllers Ditch The Magic Wand Look
Sony shared a glimpse of the new controllers that will be apart of its next-gen VR add-on for the PS5 and they look nothing like the glowing wands used for the company’s existing PSVR.Read more
[aktualita] Prima odvysílá reality show s českými influencery z TikToku
Skupina Prima na duben připravila dva premiérové pořady. Rodinný magazín Na houpačce s moderátorkou Evou Čejkovou poběží od soboty 3. dubna na stanici Prima. Na hlavním kanále pak začne i reality show Like House, přibližující život současných influencerů, na kterou se diváci mohou těšit od úterý...
Atari to Launch a Crypto-Fueled Gaming Platform in the Ethereum Metaverse Decentraland
In October 2020, the entertainment software company Atari launched a digital currency and later revealed plans to join the Ethereum virtual reality game Sandbox. On March 8, Atari announced that the company is now launching a casino in Decentraland, another metaverse built on Ethereum. According...
Brýle HTC Vive s novými snímači obličeje i těla vás lépe přenesou do virtuální reality
Máte VR brýle HTC Vive? Pak k nim můžete dokoupit další bižuterii. Tchajwanská společnost dnes totiž uvedla snímač obličejových gest a třetí generaci pohybového senzoru.
Vive Facial Tracker za 139 eur se nasadí na brýle Vive Pro Eye a integrovaný systém kamer snímá pohyb rtů, jazyka
I Found Some Rad Tracks At This Virtual Japanese Music Festival
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Instead of highlighting a single soundtrack today, I wanna tell you about my visit to a virtual music festival this weekend, where I found lots of great tracks.Read more
Economist warns of dystopia if ‘Bitcoin Aristocrats’ become reality
Critics of the digital currency have visions of the future every bit as silly as maximalists'
Giant Motor Gives PC Enough Rumble To Shake The Very Heavens
Jatin Patel is an iOS developer who works on big, silly projects for his YouTube channel. His latest million-dollar idea was to connect a giant, 2,880 rpm induction motor to his DualShock, magnifying the controller’s comparatively pitiful rumble to extraordinary proportions.Read more
Sony Finally Announces Next-Gen VR For PS5
Fans of Sony’s virtual reality efforts have been wondering what was to become of console-based VR with the launch of the PlayStation 5. Today the company announces that a next-generation virtual reality system is in the works for the PS5, but it’s not going to launch this year.Read more
Binance Blamed for Purposely Choking Ethereum’s Network
The recent ramp higher in cryptocurrency prices has assuredly attracted its fair share of cheerleaders and detractors alike, but the reality of this climb has been a concurrent increase in network fees from rising transaction volumes. Binance is Blamed for Purposely Choking Ethereum’s Network...
Get a Refurbished Oculus Quest VR Headset for Just $199
Oculus Quest (Refurbished) | $199 | OculusRead more
Blockchain Firm Asks Nevada State for Permission to Build a Crypto ‘Smart City’ in Storey County
A crypto “smart city” could become a reality in Nevada’s desert, as a blockchain firm applied to make it possible. The investment company asked the state of Nevada to form a local government in Storey County. Crypto City Aims to Host 33 Million Square Feet of Commercial Space...
Rez Website From 2001 Brought Back From The Dead
The English website for Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s legendary rhythm shooter Rez went live in 2001 and shut down in 2003. Thanks to the efforts of Rez preservationist (Rezervationist?) Brian Hargrove, that sweet piece of internet history has been restored, complete with detailed staff bios, tiny...
Premier League football club enters VR partnership with crypto betting site
The Southampton FC matchday rights acquired by Sportsbet could be put to use even amid the COVID-19 lockdown — with the help of Bitcoin and virtual reality