Manipulating Pixels Using Canvas
Modern browsers support playing video via the <video> element. Most browsers also have access to webcams via the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() API. But even with those two things combined, we can’t really access and manipulate those pixels directly.
Fortunately, browsers have a Canvas...
Headless CMS: Fresh Air for Developers
(This is a sponsored post.)
Your current CMS sucks! You know that for some time already but have not decided yet what your next solution should be.
You've noticed all the buzz around headless CMS but you're still not sure what is in it for you and how it can solve all your woes.
What is...
Build Custom Pagination with React
Often times, we get involved in building web apps in which we are required to fetch large sets of data records from a remote server, API or some database sitting somewhere. If you are building a pa
Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js
While browsing the latest award-winning websites, you may notice a lot of fancy image distortion animations or neat 3D effects. Most of them are created with WebGL, an API allowing GPU-accelerated image processing effects and animations. They also tend to use libraries built on top of WebGL such...
Customize payment solutions with our enhanced platform
(This is a sponsored post.)
We’ve upped our game by using developers’ feedback to improve the Authorize.Net payment platform. Check out our new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, and use them to provide your merchants with a secure, scalable payment solution. You’ll see that it’s...
OpenRates Currency API (Sponsored)
Creating your own APIs can be a total nightmare: worrying about uptime, load balancing, data accuracy, caching, and all of the other risks would keep me up at night. And if your API relates to money in any way? If you get that wrong you could be costing yourself, your employer, or your client...
Get to Know React's New Context API
In a world where there are lots of different front-end frameworks, it's always hard to know which one to pick. Do I want to use the ever popular Angular? Or would diving into VueJS be beneficial to
Locate and identify website visitors by IP address
(This is a sponsored post.)
Big thanks to ipstack for sponsoring CSS-Tricks this week!
Have you ever had the need to know the general location of a visitor of your website? You can get that information, without having to explicitly ask for it, by the user’s IP address. You’re just going to need...
Building a Weather App in Django
In this article we'll build a simple Django app that displays the current weather for various cities. To get the current weather data, we'll use the Open We
IP Geolocation with ipstack (Sponsored)
Knowing where your web visitor is located is an incredible advantage to any website; you can show relative content like maps, pricing, and availability, output your content in their likely language, etc — I cannot overstate how useful that information is. Of course we have the HTML5...
Server-Side Visualization With Nightmare
This is an extract from chapter 11 of Ashley Davis’s book Data Wrangling with JavaScript now available on the Manning Early Access Program. I absolutely love this idea as there is so much data visualization stuff on the web that relies on fully functioning client side JavaScript and potentially...
Collective #408
Panning Effect for SVG * Oh Man, Look at Your API! * Semantic Experiences * Matrix Vision * Mission Critical
Collective #408 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Scroll to the Future
This is an interesting read on the current state of scrollbars and how to control their behavior across operating systems and browsers. The post also highlights a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about, like Element.scrollIntoView() and the scroll-behavior CSS property.
My favorite part of all though?...
Building a Mini Invoicing App with Vue and NodeJS : User Interface
In the first
Building a Mini Invoicing App with Vue and Node : Database and API
To get paid for goods and services provided, companies/freelancers need to send invoices to their customers informing them of the services that they will be charged for. Back then, people had paper
Ladislav Prskavec – Moderdní webová architektura založená na klientském Javascriptu a API – jsDevMeetup
GDG Prague pro Vás chystá 10. dubna přednášku Ladislava Prskavce o JAMStacku. Přednáška se koná od 18:30 na FIT ČVUT v Praze v posluchárně T9:111. Jistě znáte LAMP stack. Víte, že současnou stoupající hvězdou…
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
Asynchronní JavaScript pod pokličkou aneb Eventloop v praxi
Co znamená asynchronní JavaScript a jak funguje pod pokličkou? K čemu slouží event loop, API a event queue? Jak zařídit, aby váš kód zbytečně neblokoval prohlížeč, tzv. non-blocking kód?
[aktualita] Další banka začíná s API. AirBank zatím rozhraní testuje s několika partnery
Už čtvrtá banka v Česku oznámila zavedení API pro automatický export vybraných dat o účtech. Po České spořitelně, Fio bance a bance CREDITAS jde o Air Bank. Ta ale narozdíl od prvních třech zatím API s údaji o účtech testuje s vybranými partnery. Vývojářům dává k dispozici dvě skupiny exportů:...
[aktualita] CREDITAS banka spustila API pro automatické zpracování dat z účtů, je třetí v ČR
Jak se blíží platnost unijní směrnice PSD 2, začínají se na blížící se změny pomalu připravovat i banky v Česku. CREDITAS dnes oznámila spuštění API, které umožňuje automatizované načítání a zpracovávání údajů z bankovních účtů. Dá se tedy použít například pro export dat do účetních programů...