Tesla held $2B of Bitcoin as of late 2021, SEC filing reveals
Tesla recorded $101 million of impairment losses on Bitcoin in 2021, with the carrying value accounting for $1.26 billion
Tesla řeší problémy s Autopilotem. Nezastavuje na STOPkách a bezdůvodně zpomaluje
Tesla musí řešit vážné problémy s funkcí Autopilot • Nezastavuje na STOPkách a bezdůvodně zpomaluje • Svolává 53 822 vozů s beta verzí systému FSD
Notorious YouTube Streamer Stole $500,000 From Fans In Crypto Scheme (And Won't Give It Back)
Paul “Ice Poseidon” Denino, a former Twitch star who now streams on YouTube after the Amazon-owned platform banned him in 2017, was caught in a flagrant crypto scheme in which he took some $500,000 from his fans…and kept most of it. Crypto bros are the worst. This scam, uncovered by YouTuber...
Tesla’s Latest Financial Statement Shows Bitcoin Worth $1.26 Billion
Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, did not sell any bitcoin in the fourth quarter, according to the company’s latest financial statement. Tesla is holding bitcoin worth $1.26 billion. The company still has not resumed accepting bitcoin payments but now accepts the meme...
Fading power? Weak DOGE spike after Elon Musk makes McDonald's offer
The Twitter feud between Elon Musk and McDonald's has escalated after the Tesla CEO offered to eat a happy meal on television
Elon Musk Tempts McDonald’s to Accept Dogecoin — McDonald’s Replies ‘Only if Tesla Accepts Grimacecoin’
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that he will eat a happy meal on television if McDonald’s accepts the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin (DOGE). However, McDonald’s replied, “only if Tesla accepts grimacecoin.” Musk’s statement followed a tweet by McDonald’s asking...
Elon Musk Criticizes Twitter — Gets Blasted for Using Tesla to Promote Crypto, Dogecoin
Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has criticized Twitter for using its engineering resources to provide a non-fungible token (NFT) profile picture service. “Twitter is spending engineering resources on this bs while crypto scammers are throwing a spambot block party in every thread,”...
Ani Tesla letos nebude zahálet. V plánu jsou dvě nová auta a dvě velké továrny
Nedávno jsme rekapitulovali, co všechno na letošní rok chystá SpaceX. Ani v další Muskově firmě se nehodlají jen tak povalovat…
Novináři Tesle často předhazují, jak dlouho už odkládá příchod nových modelů, ale letos už bychom se definitivně měli dočkat hranatého Cybertrucku a snad i kamionu Semi.
Hranatý Cybertruck se začne vyrábět nejdříve počátkem příštího roku. Tesla a zpoždění už patří k sobě
Veleočekávaný elektrický pickup Cybertruck se začne vyrábět nejdříve počátkem příštího roku. Uvedla to agentura Reuters s odvoláním na anonymního informátora.
Tato zpráva se objevila krátce poté, co Tesla bez vysvětlení ze svého webu odstranila text, podle nějž výroba začne letos. Příčinou
Tesla Boost is Now Nearly Erased; What’s Next For Dogecoin?
The price of Dogecoin is sinking after the Tesla-induced boost, and investors are booking their profit. In the last year, the coin boosted massively. In the last 24 hours, the Dogecoin market price fell by around 4%. While the overall crypto market looks stable, the profit booking of DOGE investors...
Bitcoin payments decline as other cryptocurrencies grow
In 2021, Bitcoin's usage by merchants that use BitPay fell to about 65%, down from 92% in 2020
Dogecoin leaps 25% after Musk announces DOGE payments for Tesla merch
The bullish news comes months after the billionaire entrepreneur said DOGE was a better token to transact with than Bitcoin
Tesla bez vysvětlení odstranila ze svého webu informaci, že výroba Cybertrucku začne letos
Zahájení výroby kyberpunkového elektrického pick-upu Tesla Cybertruck se patrně komplikuje. V říjnu loňského roku firma odstranila ze svých webových stránek veškeré informace o cenách a modelech, ale ponechala patrně nejzásadnější detail: termín zahájení výroby v roce 2022.
Nyní bez jakéhokoli
Tesla Begins Accepting Dogecoin Payments — Some Merchandise Can Only Be Purchased With DOGE
Tesla now accepts dogecoin for some merchandise on its website. CEO Elon Musk delivered on the promise he made in December that his electric car company will accept DOGE. Meanwhile, Tesla still has not resumed accepting bitcoin. Dogecoin Now Accepted for Select Tesla Merchandise Elon Musk’s...
Tesla launches Dogecoin payments for merch but there is a catch
Tesla starts accepting Dogecoin payments for company merchandise. However, the firm states that they will not issue refunds for DOGE purchases
Tesla Accepts Dogecoin Payments for its Merch, DOGE Rallies
Electric vehicle maker Tesla is experimenting with dogecoin (DOGE) payments, opening up a range of products to the cryptocurrency’s users....
Read More: Tesla Accepts Dogecoin Payments for its Merch, DOGE Rallies
Mine Bitcoin and Ethereum Using Norton 360 Antivirus or Your Tesla
With the ever-increasing competition, mining now requires specific, powerful rigs that usually cost thousands of dollars - but there are unconventional ways users can earn some money with crypto mining without having to buy mining devices....
Read More: Mine Bitcoin and Ethereum Using Norton...
Electric Car Owner Says His Hacked Tesla Model 3 Mined up to $800 a Month Mining Ethereum
According to the 2018 Tesla Model 3 owner, Siraj Raval, he mined up to $800 a month in crypto assets with his hacked-out electric car. Similarly, Chris Allessi, the owner of a Tesla Model S tethered a Bitmain Antminer S9 to his car’s electrical system to mine bitcoin, and he’s mined...
Tesla dostane konkurenci. Do Evropy se chystají americké elektromobily Lucid
Ještě letos má na evropský trh přijít další automobilka specializovaná na elektromobily. Alespoň to na Twitteru avizovala kalifornská společnost Lucid Motors. Web CNBC připomněl, že firma chce letos vyrobit dvacet tisíc sedanů Lucid Air v hodnotě 2,2 miliardy dolarů, zhruba 48,3 miliardy
Tesla CEO Elon Musk Praises Dogecoin, Criticizes Bitcoin, Guesses Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto
Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk says dogecoin is “fundamentally better than anything else” he has seen while he criticizes bitcoin. He also discussed the identity of Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, and the official currency of Mars. Elon Musk Discusses Crypto...