
Nalezeno "The Node": 543

How to Modify Nodes in an Abstract Syntax Tree

One of the more powerful concepts I've stumbled across recently is the idea of abstract syntax trees, or ASTs. If you've ever studied alchemy, you may recall that the whole motivation for alchemists was to discover some way to transform not-gold into gold through scientific or arcane methods. ASTs...

BCH Is An A-Class Crypto for Auditability

Crypto research group Coin Metrics recently released issue 30 of its “State of the Network” series, which ranks crypto assets by auditability. Taking into account node operation, synchronization, normal operation, code audit and extraction of ledger data, the top 10 cryptocurrencies...

Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully

The team at HeroDevs has just released the alpha version of Scully, a static site generator for Angular. That's right, Angular didn't have an intuitive way to create JAMstack applications before, but now it's possible! Scully uses a node CLI application to run Angular schematics so you don’t have...

2019’s Bitcoin Miners Are 5x Faster Than Predecessors

High-powered bitcoin miners and next-generation semiconductors go hand in hand and as process node technology grows, SHA256 hashrate follows. Coinshares’ recent bi-annual mining report highlights that newly introduced mining rigs have “as much as 5x the hashrate per unit as their...

Researcher Breaks Mimblewimble, Deanonymizing 96% of Grin Transactions

The Mimblewimble privacy technology used by cryptocurrencies such as Beam and Grin is broken. That’s the claim of researcher Ivan Bogatyy who has published a report documenting his findings. In it, he reveals how he was able to deanonymize 96% of all Grin transactions just by running a node...

How to Earn Bitcoin By Running a Lightning Node

Depending on who you ask, the Lightning Network will either be the long-awaited solution to Bitcoin’s (BTC) scalability woes or a technological experiment that is bound to fail. Regardless of where your opinion lies, you can currently use the Lightning Network - despite still being in beta -...

Meet Flowee the Hub: A Feature-Rich Bitcoin Cash Validator

Bitcoin Cash development has been growing wildly over the last year between third party services and infrastructure. Since the inception of BCH, there’s been a number of full node clients that not only distribute important binary data but offer a variety of different features as well.... Joins the Coinex Chain Pre-Election Node Process

Trading platform Coinex recently announced the creation of a public decentralized exchange (dex) blockchain that leverages the consensus protocols Tendermint and the Cosmos SDK. This month, up until the mainnet launch, Coinex is in the midst of its pre-election process with new node participants...

Running Bitcoin Cash: An Introduction to Operating a Full Node

Setting up a Bitcoin Cash node is a fairly easy task for someone who wants to contribute to the decentralized ecosystem. There are various ways you can run a node whether it’s on a cloud, on a local machine or by leveraging a small single-board computer. The following is a simple introduction...

Ways And Benefits Of Running Your Own Bitcoin Node

Running a Bitcoin node is imperative if you want to trust that your Bitcoin transactions are being correctly verified and processed. Unfortunately, the perception is that setting up a full node is difficult. In this article, you will learn how to set up your own Bitcoin node and discover...

CoinEx Chain Elects New Node Partners

Hosted by CoinEx Chain Foundation, “CoinEx Chain Global Nodes Election Launch Conference” was successfully held in Shenzhen on Oct 16. The conference marked the official launch of CoinEx Chain’s nodes election. More than 500 blockchain practitioners, including investors, KOLs, technical...

How to Create a QR Code

QR codes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it’s super easy to take a quick picture — it’s much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing...

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