
Nalezeno "android": 627

Microsoft Tablet For Both Windows And Android To Be Launched Next Year

Throughout the course of the first decade of the new millennium, tech giant Microsoft generally lagged behind its peers and lost a lot of ground in the process. However, the transformation of the company over the course of the last half a decade or so has been nothing short of staggering. It...

Trend Micro Detects Botnet That Can Attack Android Systems

The Botnet that can mine cryptocurrencies has been found recently; it is exploiting the Debug Bridge of Android. Botnet arrives via ADB ports and spreads through SSH. The attack is similar to the Satori Botnet variant that takes the benefit of the exposed ADB port. The botnet is designed to spread...

[aktualita] Android telefony úspěšně napadené ještě před výrobou

Hackerům útočícím na mobilní zařízení se podařil husarský kousek, s pomocí modulárního mobilního trojanu Triada úspěšně napadli Android telefony ještě ve fázi vývoje firmware, tedy ještě před jejich výrobou. Telefony pak následně opouštěly továrnu již infikované, na celý incident upozornila...

How to Use the Web Share API

The Web Share API is one that has seemingly gone under the radar since it was first introduced in Chrome 61 for Android. In essence, it provides a way to trigger the native share dialog of a device (or desktop, if using Safari) when sharing content — say a link or a contact card — directly from...

PR: Monarch Wallet Updates Bring SLP Support

Monarch Blockchain Corporation has updated the Monarch Wallet for Android & iOS with a new user interface, full transaction history support for all tokens, SLP token support, SLP Faucet where users can receive free SLP tokens and their Universal KYC Has Also Been Launched! The post PR: Monarch...

Samsung Galaxy S10 – What’s Up With the Crypto Wallet?

Samsung’s new flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S10, had one of the most anticipated premieres this year. The launch of the high-end lineup, comprising three models, marked the 10th anniversary of the Galaxy S series, considered a benchmark in the Android world. A slew of new features were...

EOS Token Makes Its Debut on Coinbase

As per the official press release published by Coinbase on 30th May 2019, it is adding support for the digital currency token EOS on its platform as well as on its iOS and Android application. That means Coinbase users will be able to send easily, receive, purchase, sell, and store... Launches Free Bitcoin Cash Register Platform for iOS Devices

About a month ago, launched its free point-of-sale solution, Bitcoin Cash Register, for Android operating systems. This week our developers have released Bitcoin Cash Register for iOS mobile phones allowing any merchant with an Apple device to accept bitcoin cash payments. Also read:...

[aktualita] Vyšla první stabilní verze Tor Browseru pro OS Android

Vyšla první oficiálně stabilní verze prohlížeče Tor Browser pro Android OS od vývojářů softwaru anonymizační sítě Tor. Prohlížeč vyšel společně s desktopovou verzí Tor Browser 8.5 a podle autorů dosahuje prakticky stejné úrovně ochrany. Prohlížeč koncepčně vychází z mobilního Firefoxu,...

[aktualita] Google odstřihne Huawei od velké části Android služeb

Google odstřihne čínskou Huawei od systémových aktualizací a přístupu k dalším službám Androidu, výjimku tvoří služby, které jsou veřejně dostupné prostřednictvím open source licencí.  Tento krok souvisí s rozhodnutím amerického ministerstva obchodu, které na podnět současného amerického...

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