Build a Decentralized Web Chat in 15 Minutes
In this 15 minute tutorial we’re going to build a simple decentralized chat application which runs entirely in a web browser. All you will need is a text editor, a web browser, and a basic knowledge of how to save HTML files and open them in the browser. We’re going...
Set Commit Author with git or hg
Knowing who authored a code patch is a sacred and important practice in the world of software engineering. Knowing the author gives the reviewer an idea of trust level, know who to ask questions about the patch, and gives credit to the genius of an important fix. There have been times when...
Adding Search to Your Site with JavaScript
Static website generators like Gatsby and Jekyll are popular because they allow the creation of complex, templated pages that can be hosted anywhere. But the awesome simplicity of website generators is also limiting. Search is particularly hard. How do you allow users to search when you have...
I Don’t Hate Arrow Functions
TL;DR Arrow functions are fine for certain usages, but they have so many variations that they need to be carefully controlled to not break down the readability of the code. While arrow functions clearly have a ubiquitous community consensus (though not unanimous support!), it turns...
Write Your First Service Worker in 5 Minutes
What is a service worker? A service worker is a little file that will allow you to cache files and other assets on a user’s machine. How is this different from server-side caching? Because the assets are stored on a user’s machine, rather than a server, there is no need to go across...
How to Set Commit Author
I’ve worn dozens of hats on a dozen different teams during my time at Mozilla, but none has been as rewarding and challenging as community management. Whether it’s mentoring students, welcoming new contributors, or reviewing pull requests, there’s always so much to be done....
Image Distortion Effects with SVG Filters
Three distortion effects powered by SVG filters that are applied to an image when hovering a link.
Image Distortion Effects with SVG Filters was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
CSS Triangles, Multiple Ways
I like Adam Laki's Quick Tip: CSS Triangles because it covers that ubiquitous fact about front-end techniques: there are always many ways to do the same thing. In this case, drawing a triangle can be done:
with border and a collapsed element
with clip-path: polygon()
with transform: rotate()...
Mask Compositing: The Crash Course
At the start of 2018, as I was starting to go a bit deeper into CSS gradient masking in order to create interesting visuals one would think are impossible otherwise with just a single element and a tiny bit of CSS, I learned about a property that had previously been completely unknown to...
Get File MIME Type from Command Line
I’ve gotten skilled at shell scripting over the years. I love a good GUI but knowing how to automate makes you a much more powerful engineer. Much of my scripting requires recursing over directories and processing a file if it meets a given criteria, which is often file extension or MIME...
Text Wrapping & Inline Pseudo Elements
I love posts like this. It's just about adding a little icon to the end of certain links, but it ends up touching on a million things along the way. I think this is an example of why some people find front-end fun and some people rather dislike it.
Things involved:
Cool [attribute] selectors that...
Control Icons with Font Size
Here’s a nifty trick from Andy Bell that now seems a little obvious in hindsight: if you set an SVG to have a width and height of 1em then you can change the size of it with the font-size property.
Try and change the font-size on the body element below to see the icon scale with the text:
List USB Devices from Command Line
I was recently creating a Recalbox with my 5 year old son and it was an awesome experience; I saw the excitement and curiosity in his eyes while helping him put together a video game machine. We added NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 games to the device but it became apparent that the N64 controller...
SVG Filter Effects: Moving Forward
In this last article of our SVG Filter Effects series, we share a list of useful resources to learn more about SVG Filters.
SVG Filter Effects: Moving Forward was written by Sara Soueidan and published on Codrops
JavaScript Proxy
I’ve always loved the flexibility of Objects and prototypes in JavaScript, but for a long time, I felt that a level of dynamism was lacking. JavaScript eventually added get and set methods for object properties, which was an awesome step, but there was still room for improvement....
There is a lot to like about Gaddafi Rusli's ICONSVG.
It provides inline <svg>, which is the most generically useful way to deliver them, and probably how they should be used anyway. Each icon is a tiny amount of SVG and I'd bet they were all hand-golfed.
They are all stroke-based, so they...
Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos IV
Did you know you can triple-heart things on CodePen? We’ve had that little not-so-hidden feature forever. You can click that little heart button on any Pen (or Project, Collection, or Post) on CodePen to show the creator a little love, but you can click it again and again to heart it just that...
I was recently a guest editor for an issue of Bizarro Devs. It's a great newsletter! Go sign up! I put in a bunch of links around blobs. Like those weird squishy random shapes that are so "in" right now. Here are those links as well. I'm always a fan of publishing stuff I write ;)
Blobs! Blobs...
Awesome Analytics with (Sponsored)
As a young developer, I would often make decisions based on what I considered to be common sense or what I would envision appealed to users. What a mistake. As I’ve become more experienced as a developer and a businessman, I’ve realized that analytics are the best way to make...
Diana Smith’s Top 5 CSS Properties She Uses to Produce CSS Art
Have you seen Diana Smith's CSS drawings? Stunning. These far transcend the CSS drawings that sort of crudely replicate a flat SVG scene, like I might attempt. We were lucky enough for her to post some of her CSS drawing techniques here last year.
Well, Diana has also listed the top five...