
Nalezeno "pc gaming": 5281

Destiny 2's Best Loot Mechanic From Last Year Is Coming Back

Destiny 2's Umbral Engrams and Prismatic Recaster from season 11 are coming back in season 13, Bungie announced in this week’s blog post. That’s great news considering it made for one of the better loot grinds in the game’s recent past.Read more

Someone Turned A Terraria Map Into An Evangelion Holding A Warship

Terraria doesn’t get the same level of fanfare as Minecraft, but its two dimensional crafting is nevertheless responsible from some truly impressive player-made creations of its own. Behold the latest: an Evangelion lifting a warship over its head.Read more

Someone Turned A Terraria Map Into An Evangelion Holding A Warship

Terraria doesn’t get the same level of fanfare as Minecraft, but its two dimensional crafting is nevertheless responsible from some truly impressive player-made creations of its own. Behold the latest: an Evangelion lifting a warship over its head.Read more

Auto Chess Is Getting a MOBA, Continuing the Eternal Cycle

The history of the MOBA genre is one of mods and iteration. Its most popular and still-standing games today are the result of multiple reimaginings and tweaks to skirt copyright issues. Now, there’s one more absurd step to the story: the makers of Auto Chess are making a MOBA. An Auto Chess MOBA...

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