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What We’re Reading, 2019

There are so, so, so (so) many things to read out there on the internet. So many, in fact, that it's difficult to keep up with everything. But, hey, we've got your back! It's our job to surface the best of the best and share it with you right here. That's why it's a good idea to subscribe to this...

A Use Case for a Parent Selector

Having a "parent selector" in CSS is mentioned regularly as something CSS could really use. I feel like I've had that thought plenty of times myself, but then when I ask my brain for a use case, I find it hard to think of one. Well, I just had one so I thought I'd document it here. A classic...

Gatsby and WordPress

Gatsby and WordPress is an interesting combo to watch. On one hand, it makes perfect sense. Gatsby can suck up data from anywhere, and with WordPress having a native REST API, it makes for a good pairing. Of course Gatsby has a first-class plugin for sourcing data from WordPress that even supports...

A CSS Tribute to SVG

This demo from Jérémie Patonnier is incredible. Make sure to look at it in Firefox because some Chrome bug apparently prevents the entire thing from working. The big idea is that the entire demo is one <rect> element. That's it. It is duplicated with <use> elements when needed,...

One Way to Break Users Out of the Habit of Reloading Too Much

Page reloads are a thing. Sometimes we refresh a page when we think it’s unresponsive, or believe that new content is available. Sometimes we’re just mad at the dang site and rage-refresh to let it know we’re displeased. Wouldn’t be nice to know when a user refreshes the page? Not just that,...

Mainstream Media’s Hit Piece on Hitmen Fails Miserably

Mainstream media is probably one of the worst mediums for factual information because it’s typically filled with ignorance and propaganda. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, darknet markets, and encryption, conventional news outlets publish hit pieces that are beyond absurd. On December...

Crypto’s Counterpunch to U.S. Hegemony and Empire

“The Muslim world should be designing measures to save themselves from the domination of the United States dollar and the American financial regime.” —Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran Also Read: Crypto Confronts Social Justice Warriors Hegemony and Muslim Resistance Hegemony...

PHP Templating in Just PHP

With stuff like template literals in JavaScript and templating languages, like JSX, I've gotten used to wanting to write my HTML templates in one nice chunk and sprinkling in variables wherever I need them. I had a situation where I needed to do that in "raw" PHP the other day, so I'm just...

How to Modify Nodes in an Abstract Syntax Tree

One of the more powerful concepts I've stumbled across recently is the idea of abstract syntax trees, or ASTs. If you've ever studied alchemy, you may recall that the whole motivation for alchemists was to discover some way to transform not-gold into gold through scientific or arcane methods. ASTs...

Russia’s Supreme Court Recognizes Tokens as Assets Like Money and Property

A phenomenon like bitcoin can gain recognition, including regulatory, in many different and often unexpected ways. Governments that hesitate to accept cryptocurrencies as legal tender, sometimes validate their existence indirectly and even acknowledge they can be used for payments. Taxing crypto...

Chinese Police Seize Thousands of Miners, Arrest Dozens of Scammers

In the last couple of days, Chinese media have reported on police forces in one province of the vast Asian country seizing close to 7,000 mining rigs using stolen electricity and in another province arresting 72 multi-level marketing scheme operators for alleged fraud. Also Read: Chinese Regulators...

2019 Google and Yahoo Searches for Bitcoin Decline Significantly

2019 was an interesting year for cryptocurrencies. Some would say it wasn’t as bad as the crypto winter in 2018 and others would note it wasn’t as great as bull run 2017. One thing’s for sure, ever since the all-time price highs, interest in cryptocurrencies has been waning....

Speculation Abounds Regarding Youtube’s Removal of Crypto Content

At least six crypto Youtube channels have reported in recent hours that their content is being removed under the site’s “harmful and dangerous” policy, with one popular channel claiming Youtube pointed to a “sale of regulated goods.” Chris Dunn is one of these, whose...

Coinbase Closes One Year After $100M Acquisition

Coinbase is shutting down the startup which it acquired for an estimated $100 million last year. The email service allowed senders to pay users in digital currency for replying to commercial messages or completing tasks. Also Read: Coinbase Acquires for an Estimated $100 Million...

Stream-Crossing Confusion

Should I use WordPress or React hooks? Should I use D3 or CSS? Should I use Markdown or JSON? Can I use flexbox in Gatsby? Can I use custom properties in Jekyll? Should I use HTML or the cloud? How do I add dark mode to my Vue site? These are tongue-in-cheek, but there is a point to be made here....

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