
Nalezeno "Blog": 1850

Early Days for CSS Scoping

There is a working draft spec for CSS scoping now, a newsworthy event for the W3C. Other than a weird period where <style scoped shipped and then was subsequently removed from the spec (and browsers), this is the furthest a … The post Early Days for CSS Scoping appeared first...

Links on Performance IV

HTTP Caching is a Superpower — Hugh Haworth covers how the Cache-Control header is an awfully potent ingredient in web performance. I mis-read the title at first and was waiting to read about HTML caching. Hugh covers it a bit … The post Links on Performance IV appeared first...

You don’t need external assets in an HTML file

A fun exercise from Terence Eden. You can send an HTML file over the wire including anything a website might need without requesting any other files. CSS and JavaScript are easy, because there are <script and <style tags. Images and … The post You don’t need external assets...

co je to 3D tisk?

Každý z nás viděl bezpočet trojrozměrných předmětů ve správné délce, šířce a výšce vytesaných k dokonalosti pro různé účely, někdy model pro univerzitní projekt nebo montážní díl pro automobil nebo možná ve formě sofistikovaného zdravotnického vybavení. Dnes budeme diskutovat o 3D tisku, abychom...

Co je Arduino UNO? Průvodce Začínáme

V tomto dnešním příspěvku vás provedu podrobně Arduino UNO, protože podrobně pojednám o všem, co souvisí s Arduino UNO, včetně toho, co je Arduino UNO, jeho funkce, pinout, programování a aplikace. Co je Arduino UNO? Arduino UNO je nízkonákladová, flexibilní a snadno použitelná programovatelná...

jq for JSON

I old enough to remember when we thought XML was going to change the programming world…then JSON saved us from that hell. Parsing and querying JSON data is fundamental task we’ve all coded for, but sometimes I just want to get some data locally with minimal fuss. I just learned of...

Some Articles About Accessibility I’ve Saved Recently III

The perfect link — Rian Rietveld defines them: “When you click on them, they take you somewhere else.” Not much code in here (we’ve got that), just a lot of practical accessibility advice. For example, the alt text … The post Some Articles About Accessibility I’ve Saved...

React usePrevious Hook

Hooks are essential for the functional component pattern in React. One frequent logic comparison with class components was comparing a previous prop value with a current prop value via lifecycle methods. So what’s an easy pattern for duplicating previous value comparisons in functional...

“Disambiguating Tailwind”

I appreciated this bit of nuance from a post on Viget’s blog: There could be a whole article written about the many flavours of Tailwind, but broadly speaking those flavours are: 1. Stock tailwind, ie. no changes to the … The post “Disambiguating Tailwind” appeared first...

DX, to Whom?

Dave points to Sarah’s post on Developer Experience (DX) at Netlify. Part of what Sarah did there is lay out what the role means. It’s a three-part thing: Integrations Engineering (e.g. features) Developer Experience Engineering (e.g. building integrations … The post DX,...

Tabs in HTML?

Brian Kardell shares a bit about the progress of bringing "Tabs" to HTML. We kinda think we know what they are, but you have to be really specific when dealing with specs and defining them. It's tricky. The post Tabs in HTML? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an...

Set a Default Node Version with nvm

As I’ve shown you in the past, nvm an excellent utility for switching between Node.js versions. Whether your host machine or CI, building and testing your apps on different Node versions is a necessity. I’ve recently found a few nvm commands that I found really useful during local...

Kam s prázdným tonerem? A proč by vám na tom mělo záležet?

O ekologické likvidaci tonerových kazet se u nás prakticky nemluví. Ročně se přitom do České republiky přivezou 2 miliony tonerových kazet, které celkem váží asi 2 tisíce tun. Velká část z nich skončí na skládkách. Přístup státních institucí ani současná legislativa situaci nezlepšují. Proto...

onInput Event

Coding HTML forms has been painful my entire career. Form controls look different between operating systems and browsers, coding client side and server side validation is a nightmare, and inevitably you forget something somewhere along the line. Some behaviors don’t act the way you’d...

GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images

An explanation of those new GitHub social media images: […] our custom Open Graph image service is a little Node.js app that uses the GitHub GraphQL API to collect data, generates some HTML from a template, and pipes it to  … The post GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images...

So you want to self-publish books and courses on programming

John Resig and I recently self-published our book on GraphQL. There are tons of how-tos for self-publishing a book, or even online classes, but very little in the way of why you would want to, or whether it’s even worth … The post So you want to self-publish books and courses on programming...

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