Crunchyroll Bought A Popular Anime Video Store, Removed Its Hentai
Yesterday, Crunchyroll announced its acquisition of Right Stuf, a popular online video publisher and distributor of anime products. The anime streaming service touted its merger leading to an expanded eCommerce platform that would allow it to serve a wider array of customers with anime goodies....
Aktuální hra zdarma v Epic Store je lepší než vypadá
Aktuální hra zdarma v Epic Store je lepší než vypadá
Mastercard Views Crypto More as Asset Class Than Form of Payment
Mastercard sees cryptocurrency as more of an asset class than a means of payment, according to the payments giant’s chief financial officer. Mastercard’s crypto strategy “has been fairly successful ever since crypto environments came up,” he added. Mastercard’s...
Blatant God Of War Knock-Off Being Sold On Xbox Store
God of War Ragnarok is one of the most anticipated games of 2022 and has people around the world hyped, as the kids say. But it’s only coming to PlayStation consoles. Well don’t worry Xbox players, someone has spent at least 20 minutes developing an Xbox version of God of War. Except it uh…sucks...
US Lawmaker Demands Answers From Apple and Google on Measures Against Fake Crypto Apps
A U.S. lawmaker has demanded answers from Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai about their measures against fake cryptocurrency apps appearing in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store. “Millions of Americans use mobile apps to invest in unregulated digital assets,”...
Solana Spaces store to bring 100K people to Solana per month — CEO Vibhu Norby
The new shop entertained about 400 crypto-curious guests on opening day, and hopes to host even more as other stores are opened across the U.S. and the rest of the world
Solana Team Set to Open Doors of a Physical Store in New York to Promote Solana and Web3
The team behind open-source blockchain Solana (SOL) is readying to open its physical store in New York City, USA, to the public, in a bid to promote the Solana blockchain and Web3 at large.
The store, dubbed Solana Spaces, is located at a mall in Hudson Yards and was launched in collaboration with...
Zrelaxujte se u sekání trávy, simulátor zahradní sekačky je dočasně zdarma
Digitální obchod Epic Store aktuálně rozdává poněkud obskurní titul. V graficky povedeném Lawn Mowing Simulatoru se totiž stanete řidičem zahradního traktůrku
Hard-To-Get Infamous Second Son DLC Now Free On PlayStation Store
If you’ve been thinking about revisiting Infamous Second Son, Sucker Punch Productions’ 2014 PlayStation 4 exclusive, now might be a good time since some rare DLC is suddenly free on the PlayStation Store for the first time. Cole’s Legacy provided some connective tissue between PS3’s Infamous 2...
Bitgo Adds Near Protocol Support — Custodian to Store Near Foundation’s Treasury
On July 19, the digital asset company Bitgo announced it has partnered with the Near Foundation and will be “the first qualified custodian to support the protocol and its assets, including its native token.” The collaboration will give institutions holding near protocol (NEAR) tokens...
FBI issues public warning over fake crypto apps
Fake crypto apps appear to be part of an ongoing game of whack-a-mole with app store operators
Spanish Crypto Exchange Bitbase Expands to Latam
Bitbase, a Spanish cryptocurrency exchange and crypto ATM operator, has announced its expansion to Latam with the establishment of a store in Paraguay. The company, which had previously opened a store in Portugal, is now bringing its operations to several locations in Paraguay, having its sights...
Zpříjemněte si víkend povedenou plošinovkou Wonder Boy zdarma
NFTs become physical experiences as brands offer in-store minting
Minting NFTs at physical locations could be the next big trend for brands entering Web3
Zimbabwe Central Bank: Gold Coin Sales to Commence in Late July
Starting on July 25, the Zimbabwean public will be able to buy and hold gold coins which weigh one troy ounce each. In addition to their use as an alternative store of value, the central bank says the coins can be traded and used as “security for loans and credit facilities.” Coins...
Demand for Hardware Crypto Wallets Increases Amid Currency Restrictions in Russia
Hardware wallets designed to securely store cryptocurrency have seen a several-fold increase this spring in Russia, on the backdrop of currency restrictions introduced amid foreign sanctions. Ledger and Tangem have been the most popular products on the market, a media report revealed. Russians...
Colombia to Use Ripple Ledger to Issue Land Registry Certificates
The government of Colombia announced a new system that will allow it to use the Ripple Ledger to store and authenticate property titles. The system, which was developed by a third-party company called Peersyst Technology, aims to allow the National Land Agency to issue a record number of land...
Crypto Exchange Coincoinx to Launch Crypto to Fiat Payments App in Venezuela
Coincoinx, a cryptocurrency exchange, will reportedly launch a service that will allow users to skip trading crypto for fiat to make payments in Venezuela. The service, which is called Coinpago, will allow users to make payments in every store and retailer in the country that accepts Pagomovil,...
Cappasity to Launch the Solution for Creating NFT-Based Loyalty Programs
PRESS RELEASE. SANTA CLARA, CA, June 29, 2022/ — Cappasity provides solutions for 3D digitizing of products for online stores and classifieds. Soon, the platform will offer an NFT service, allowing store owners to create a new communication and marketing channel with their customers....