
Nalezeno "IRS": 518

IRS Revoking Passports Shows How Government Erodes Everything We Hold Dear

If you have outstanding tax debt, the IRS may now want to take your passport. For U.S. crypto holders still waiting on promised IRS guidelines for filing — especially those overseas who may have missed these warning memos — the over 400,000 agency notifications issued since February...

These Portfolio Tracking Tools Will Also Prepare Your Crypto Taxes

Tax season is months away, which is why you need to start preparing for it now. Leave everything to the last minute and you’ll only end up cursing your procrastination. Organize your cryptocurrency activity in advance and you’ll breeze through tax deadline day without so much...

What to Do if You Just Got a Crypto Tax Letter from the IRS

Have you just woken up to find a letter from America’s top tax authority, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in your mailbox, asking you to pay tax on your crypto earnings… and come to the sad realization that you’re not having a nightmare? Scores of American cryptocurrency traders have received...

Can the Fed Kill Bitcoin? Navigating the Chokepoints of Tax Law and KYC

Taxes. The one word that can kill any buzz in seconds flat. Whether you’re a libertarian ranting about how taxation is theft or one of those fabled creatures who is actually happy to file them as their so-called civic duty, one fact remains: those who don’t give the government a bite...

Tax Expert: IRS Letters Confirm That Trading Cryptos Is a Taxable Event

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced on July 26 that 10,000 American cryptocurrency users will receive a letter reminding them to pay taxes or amend any mistakes on past filings. At the time, IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said U.S. taxpayers should take the warning letters...

The Modern Era of Free Range Slaves: How Bitcoin Breaks the Mold

In a string of recent Tweets, 2020 Libertarian presidential candidate and fugitive from the law John McAfee has been talking about slavery. Urging people to “wake up” and assuring them that neither compliance with the status quo, nor stacks of riches, can set them free. Indeed, when...

New Bitcoin Cash Specs Propose Heightened Privacy and Double-Spend Proofs

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) development continues as software engineers have revealed two distinct concepts that aim to boost the BCH network. Bitcoin Cash developer Tom Zander has announced new documentation concerning the vision of a double-spend proofs, which now exists as a pull request to...

How Government Agencies Make Criminals of Crypto Traders

A New Jersey man has been indicted this week for converting over $2 million to bitcoin and operating a private exchange business not registered with the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. According to a July 24 press release by the U.S. Attorney’s office, 46-year-old William Green could face...

Privacy Is a Human Right Worth Fighting For

Privacy is a basic human right. It’s there in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence.” Attaining that right in an era of dragnet surveillance, mass data breaches, state-sponsored hacks...

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