‘Verified Satoshi’ Handle on X Triggers Debate Among Bitcoin Circles, Elon Musk Called to Act
On the social media platform X (formally Twitter), an account created in 2018 is causing a lot of uproar as the account is called “@satoshi,” and has a verified check mark confirming its identity. A few bitcoin influencers have called on Elon Musk to remove the account’s checkmark,...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk Calls Fiat Currency a Scam
Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk believes that fiat currency is a scam that is so normalized that we don’t even realize that it’s a scam. Many people share a similar view, including Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki, who has frequently cautioned against investing in the U.S....
Elon Musk's Diablo IV Play Isn't Bad But His Twitter Livestream Sure Was
Elon Musk followed up on a September proclamation that he’d test out video game livestreaming on X (Twitter), with a run through Diablo IV’s most difficult Tier 100 Nightmare dungeon. The October 2 stream was an unprecedented success, in the sense that it happened with—as far as I can tell—zero...
Elon Musk told to dump Satoshi ‘X’ account: crypto community
The crypto community has asked Elon Musk to remove the X account under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto claiming it is in breach of the platform’s terms of use
Citizen Journalist Elon Musk Livestreams Mexican Border In Dead Space T-shirt
South African-Canadian immigrant Elon Musk promised on September 27 that he’d test livestreaming on X (you know it as Twitter) “with some silly stuff,” he said, like a Diablo IV speedrun with no powerful Malignant Heart add-ons. On September 28, he decided to livestream the Texas-Mexico border...
Watch A Billionaire Try To Play D&D With AI Snoop Dogg
Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a suite of AI-based chatbots, including one that portrays rapper Snoop Dogg as a role-playing game Dungeon Master, during the Meta Connect 2023 Keynote on September 27. Each of Meta’s 28 new bots (which are not yet available to the public) is a curated character represented...
Ne, Elon Musk opravdu není v Cyberpunku 2077. I když prý opravdu moc chtěl
Jeden z vývojářů Cyberpunku 2077 vyvrátil rozšířenou fanouškovskou teorii, že se ve hře v malé roli vyskytuje nejbohatší muž planety Elon Musk. Z jeho nového životopisu je však patrné, že po tom velmi toužil, dokonce se prý jednou v kancelářích polského CD Projektu objevil se zbraní v ruce
‘You Can Do Nothing’: Crypto Trading Titans Are Yelling at Each Other on Elon Musk’s X
“I never thought that you could be THAT scared of us,” DWF’s Andrei Grachev posted on X. Wintermute’s Evgeny Gaevoy: “We are trembling in your presence.”
9 Weird Video Game Tidbits From The Elon Musk Biography
Walter Isaacson’s recently published biography of unhinged kingpin Elon Musk, Elon Musk, unloaded several bombshells about Musk’s family and hectic approach to business, but Kotaku is most interested in his relationship to video games. So I compiled nine revealing video game facts from the Musk...
Elon Musk Brought A Gun To A Cyberpunk 2077 Recording Session
During Cyberpunk 2077's development, Elon Musk begged developer CD Projekt Red to give him a cameo by interrupting ex-girlfriend (and mother of at least three of Musk’s at least 11 children) Grimes’ voice acting sessions with a gun, Walter Isaac’s new biography Elon Musk reveals.Read more
Míříme k tomu, aby X/Twitter byl placenou službou. Jinak se nezbavíme botů, řekl Elon Musk
Sociální síť X (dříve Twitter) směřuje k zavedené předplatného za své používání. V rozhovoru s izraelským premiérem Benjaminem Netanjahu to řekl majitel platformy Elon Musk. Informovala o tom britská BBC
Bez peněz na X nelez. Musk zvažuje, že síť plně zpoplatní pro všechny uživatele
Izraelský premiér Benjamin Netanjahu se včera v Kalifornii sešel s Elonem Musk, s nímž chtěl probrat regulaci umělé inteligence a růst antisemitismu na sociální platformě X. A z druhého tématu vzešla překvapivá zpráva.
Majitel této sítě, který navíc pořád řídí její strategii, totiž uvedl, že
Bitcoin clean energy usage reportedly exceeds 50% — Will Tesla start accepting BTC payments?
A Bloomberg analyst reported the percentage of energy used for Bitcoin mining coming from renewable sources had exceeded 50% due in part to miners fleeing China’s ban
Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman talk AI regs in Washington
The majority of the tech leaders in attendance agreed that AI needs to be regulated with Elon Musk calling the meeting a game changer for civilization
The connection between Elon Musk and Dogecoin: What this means for crypto users
Dogecoin is the world’s most famous meme coin whose history has Elon Musk written all over it. Dogecoin was branded in 2013 after the viral dog meme Doge. This led to a 35% increase in Dogecoin’s value after Elon Musk, Tesla‘s billionaire founder, tweeted about its prominence. He gave a nod to DOGE...
Amber Heard Spent Two Months Designing Overwatch Mercy Cosplay For Ex Elon Musk
Writer Walter Isaacson spent two years following Twitter overlord Elon Musk as he worked on his biography Elon Musk, which released September 12. That thorough work paid off—readers can sleep easy knowing that one of the richest men in the world might be into Overwatch roleplay. Read more
Život Elona Muska na 700 stranách. Vyšla nová biografie od autora knih o Jobsovi nebo Einsteinovi
Nejznámější současný životopisec Walter Isaacson dnes vydal novou knihu pojmenovanou jednoduše Elon Musk. Autor biografií o Stevu Jobsovi, Albertu Einsteinovi, Leonardu Da Vincim, Henrym Kissingerovi nebo Benjaminu Franklinovi trávil s Elonem poslední dva roky. Sledoval jej při práci, navštěvoval
Elon Musk's Twitter Targeted: Beware of the $25 Million Crypto Scam
After 10 months of Elon Musk’s rule, crypto scams on X (formerly Twitter) are still thriving.
One of the platform’s latest, more prolific scams came in the form of a fake ‘GBTC’ token giveaway. Scammers feigned association with the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust – the world’s largest Bitcoin fund...
A New Crypto Scam Shows Perils of Elon Musk's Twitter
Elon Musk tajně manipuloval se satelitní sítí Starlink, aby zmařil ukrajinský útok na ruskou flotilu
Elon Musk záměrně manipuloval se satelitní sítí Starlink tak, aby zmařil ukrajinský útok na ruskou námořní flotilu poblíž krymského pobřeží. Plyne to z jeho nové biografie, kterou napsal Walter Isaacson.
Ukrajinské ponorkové drony se už-už chystaly udeřit na ruské lodě kotvící v přístavu, když tu