
Nalezeno "m1 process": 634

Rendering Spectrum

Here are the big categories of rendering websites: Client: ship a <div id="root"></div> and let a JavaScript template render all of it. Static: pre-render all the HTML. Server: let a live server process requests and generate the HTML response. They are not mutually exclusive....

Creating WebGL Effects with CurtainsJS

This article focuses adding WebGL effects to <image> and <video> elements of an already “completed” web page. While there are a few helpful resources out there on this subject (like these two), I hope to help simplify this subject by distilling the process into a...

Copyediting with Semantic HTML

Tracking changes is a quintessential copyediting feature for comparing versions of content. While we’re used to tracking changes in a word processing document, we actually have HTML elements capable of that. There are a lot of elements that we can use for this process. The main ones we’ll look...

A Continuous Integration and Deployment Setup with CircleCI and Coveralls

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are crucial development practices, especially for teams. Every project is prone to error, regardless of the size. But when there is a CI/CD process set up with well-written tests, those errors are a lot easier to find and fix. In this...

How to Automate Project Versioning and Releases with Continuous Deployment

Having a semantically versioned software will help you easily maintain and communicate changes in your software. Doing this is not easy. Even after manually merging the PR, tagging the commit, and pushing the release, you still have to write release notes. There are a lot of different steps,...

Vue 3

It’s out! Congrats to the Vue team for getting it done, I know it was a massive effort and a long time coming. All new docs, as well. I like it’s still a priority that Vue can be used with just a <script tag with no build process at all. But it’s ready for build processes...

Bitcoin Unlimited Launches Two-Option Voting App Powered by Bitcoin Cash

On September 16, the Bitcoin Unlimited development team launched a new application called Votepeer. The software is powered by the Bitcoin Cash network and allows anyone to set up a transparent two-option voting process. This week a couple of Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) developers released a new voting...

Miny.CC – Innovation in the Cryptocurrency Mining Sphere

Aberdeen, Hong Kong, September 16, 2020. – More than 10 years after the first cryptocurrency was successfully mined, the mining space is more controversial than ever. The process was created to be democratic; to allow any PC with spare computing resources to contribute the surplus to help...

Robert Rorschach: 20 Reasons Not to Vote

If one votes, one participates. If one participates, one condones and endorses the process, and subsequently, what those elected ‘representatives’ do and say in your name. Reason 2. Electoral promises are meaningless because politicians are able to lie to gain the favor of...

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