Three Predictions From the State of CSS 2019 Survey
Running a developer survey like the State of CSS is a multi-stage process. First, you need to collect the data. Then, you process it into a usable shape. Finally, you come up with nifty ways to visualize it and release it to the world.
But then, once the dust settles and the traffic dies down...
Bitcoin Price Analysis: Stage Set For $10,000, BTC/USD Price Surge On A Spree
Bitcoin (BTC) will soon be trading at $10,000 and leading the market on its shoulders. However, the coin experienced a plunge in the prices yesterday, but today, everything seems to be normal. The current momentum has brought a smile to the faces of all investors, and we suspect stability in...
Facebook’s Stablecoin Gets A Mixed Response At The Testing Stage From India
It has been almost a year that we have been listening about the Stablecoin of Facebook. The latest predictions say that the Stablecoin will get launched in Q3 of this year. Since last year, there has been some hiring going on for the blockchain team of the company. The team includes who’s who...
New Stage of the Binance Hack Drama - Appologies for 'Dirty' Words
First, the Binance hack happened, then, the idea of rolling back Bitcoin transactions prompted heated debates, and now, when everyone has cooled down, apologies have started to come in.
“Given how much I talk, I sometimes say the wrong stuff, dirty words like “reorg”, for which I apologize”, said...
Differential Serving
There is "futuristic" JavaScript that we can write. "Stage 0" refers to ideas for the JavaScript language that are still proposals. Still, someone might turn that idea into a Babel plugin and it could compile into code that can ship to any browser. For some of these lucky proposals, Stage 0 becomes...
Computer Stage na veletrhu Amper: Povídání o hlasových asistentech
Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, nebo Apple Siri? Dá se to i bez podpory češtiny používat i u nás? Ve zkratce: jde to, ale dře to. I když s nimi budete mluvit anglicky (německy...), narazíte, když narazíte na český text, zprávu, jméno v telefonním seznamu apod. Aspoň u Googlu by se to mělo změnit,
CSS doesn’t suck
I'm not so protective of CSS that I'm above hearing it criticized, but I'm certainly in agreement here. CSS does not suck. I love how the post is framed to hype up current CSS features the way features of other languages and tools are hyped:
Imagine if a tech dude walked on stage at a conference...
Startup Stage: Krátký z Liftaga, Cendra z CDN77 a Fabián z TopMonks o svém pohledu na byznys, bez bullshitu
Koncem října usednou do křesel na Startup Stage tři hosté ze známých českých startupů, aby se podělili o své letité zkušenosti. Nečekejte žádné povrchní případové studie a univerzální rady. Celým večerem vás provede moderátor Jirka Pénzeš z TopMonks Startup Studia a hostů se bude vyptávat především...