
Nalezeno "Blog": 1850

IMF Warns Against Adopting Crypto Assets Like Bitcoin as Legal Tender

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned against adopting cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, as legal tender. Noting numerous risks and costs involved, the IMF does not see crypto assets catching on as a national currency. IMF Warns of Risks in Adopting Cryptocurrencies as National Currency...

Organize your CSS declarations alphabetically

Eric, again not mincin’ no words with blog post titles. This is me: The most common CSS declaration organization technique I come across is none whatsoever. Almost none, anyway. I tend to group them by whatever dumps out of my … The post Organize your CSS declarations alphabetically...

Hashnode: A Blogging Platform for Developers

Hashnode is a free platform for developer blogging. Say you’ve just finished an ambitious project and want to write about 10 important lessons you’ve learned as a developer during it. You should definitely blog it—I love that kind of blog post, myself. Making a jump into the technical debt...

Rabiš-19 - politická hra

Nyní, v předvolebním období, když se bojíme, koho zase většina lidí zvolí, vás určitě zaujme moje politická hra – Rabiš-19. Hra byla vytvořena pouze v HTML, CSS, a JavaScriptu, a to jen s využitím DOM – Document Object Model. Nevyužívá tedy žádný canvas element. To znamená, že nejen každá zeď,...

Dark Mode in One Line of Code!

Dark mode has seemingly become the desired visual mode for websites and mobile apps alike. Dark mode is easier on the eyes, especially for those like me who like to burn the midnight oil by coding and reading tutorials. Unfortunately not all websites offer dark mode, so it’s up to me...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the term “Jamstack” and which frameworks they … The post Jamstack Community Survey...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

(This is a sponsored post.) The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the … The post Jamstack Community Survey 2021 appeared first...

Payments Provider Clear Junction Stops Processing Payments for Binance

On Monday, the global payments solutions provider Clear Junction announced it ceased processing transactions for Binance. The move by Clear Junction was brought on by the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) recent warning, according to a blog post written about the decision. Clear Junction...

Fix Seeing “0” in Your JSX Code

The early days of the web felt like the wild west when it came to coding practices — just make it work. Then we became enlightened to better practices, separating HTML from CSS and JavaScript. Then came React and JSX, where we combine JavaScript, HTML, and even CSS with Styled Components...

Beginner JavaScript Notes

Wes has a heck of a set of “notes” for learning JavaScript. It’s organized like a curriculum, meaning if you teach JavaScript, you could do a lot worse. It’s actually more like 85 really fleshed-out blog posts organized into sections … The post Beginner JavaScript...

Základy ESP8266

Ahoj všichni, doufám, že se všichni bavíte a užíváte si život. V dnešním tutoriálu se podrobně podíváme na ESP8266. Toto je gadget bezdrátové věrnosti (Wi-Fi). Jedná se o praktický systém na čipu (SoC), který je integrován do protokolu TCP / IP, díky čemuž lze jakýkoli mikrokontrolér připojit...

Dannyho linuxová galerie

tato linuxová galerie pochází přibližně z let 2001 – 2004 a ukazuje, jak tehdy vypadalo grafické uživatelské rozhraní tohoto operačního systému. Pikantní je, že daný počítač v té době nebyl ani připojený k Internetu (čili na něm z dnešního pohledu vlastně „nebylo co dělat“) a stejně jsem si s ním...

Coinbase to Launch Apple-Like Crypto App Store

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has unveiled its plan to build “the crypto app store,” inspired by how Apple Inc. built its app store. CEO Brian Armstrong said: “Apple didn’t attempt to build every app for the iPhone, it empowered developers and gave mobile users an easy...

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