[aktualita] Herní Bohemia Interactive loni utržila miliardu se ziskem 420 milionů
Tradiční české videoherní studio Bohemia Interactive mělo loni silný rok. Tržby společnosti činily bezmála miliardu, konkrétně dosáhly na 996,99 milionu korun. Zisk po zdanění činil 425,1 milionu korun. U Bohemky se v roce 2019 projevil cyklus, který bývá ve videoherní branži běžný. Podařilo...
A Complete State Machine Made With HTML Checkboxes and CSS
State machines are typically expressed on the web in JavaScript and often through the popular XState library. But the concept of a state machine is adaptable to just about any language, including, amazingly, HTML and CSS. In this article, we’re going to do exactly that. I recently built a website...
Using Your Own Design System with KendoReact Components
Maybe you’ve already heard of (or even worked with!) KendoReact. It’s popped up in some of my day-to-day conversations, especially those about working with design systems and React. You could think of it as a component library like Bootstrap or Material Design, except the components...
Awesome interactive NFT artwork shows effects of sponsoring kids
Anyone who holds a copy of the NFT will see it change as the Bitcoin donations come in
Focus management and inert
Many forms of assistive technology use keyboard navigation to understand and take action on screen content. One way of navigating is via the Tab key. You may already be familiar with this way of navigating if you use it to quickly jump from input to input on a form without having to reach for your...
The :focus-visible Trick
Always worth repeating: all interactive elements should have a focus style. That way, a keyboard user can tell when they have moved focus to that element.
But if you use :focus alone for this, it has a side effect that a lot of people don’t like. It means that when you click (with a mouse)...
Layoutit Grid: Learning CSS Grid Visually With a Generator
Layoutit Grid is an interactive open source CSS Grid generator. It lets you draw your designs and see the code as you go. You can interact with the code, add or remove track lines and drag them around to change the sizing — and you get to see the CSS and HTML change in real time!
Add some tracks...
Atari Announces IEO Collaboration and Listing of the Atari Token with Exchange
Atari announces IEO collaboration on Exchange via its multi-asset trading platform. Public sale slated for November, details to be announced in the coming weeks. The Atari token will be listed on upon completion of the IEO. October 1st, 2020 – Atari, one of...
Super cool project from Bennett Feely! It makes any web type into 3D lettering with a mouseover effect that moves the 3D objects in space. It’s reminiscent of Zdog, but for type. It works its magic by stacking a bunch of copies of the glyphs on top of each other that are offset by some...
Crypto Pro Portfolio Tracker Gets a Major Update
Crypto Pro app has extended its Apple device support and is now available on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. What is Crypto Pro? Crypto Pro tracks cryptocurrency prices in real-time and displays interactive charts with indicators. Users can also read the latest crypto news, set custom price...
Interactive Brokers to Pay $38M in Settlement Over AML Lapses
Publicly traded brokerage firm Interactive Brokers has agreed to pay multi-million dollar penalties to the SEC, FINRA and CFTC for failure to flag suspicious transactions and lapses in AML compliance
CSS Vocabulary
This is a neat interactive page by Ville V. Vanninen to reference the names of things in the CSS syntax. I feel like the easy ones to remember are “selector,” “property,” and “value,” but even as a person who writes about CSS a lot, I forget some of the others....
Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool
There are some neat interactive demos in here from Thiru Manikandan. There are a couple of very tricky things with z-index that never fail to confuse. In addition to things like requiring positioning and source order, the trickiest are the stacking contexts and parent/child relationships. z-index...
Bohemii Interactive kupují Číňané. Majoritní podíl získal Tencent
Českou společnost Bohemia Interactive, která vyvíjí a vydává videohry, podle zdrojů listu The Information koupil Tencent. Čínský gigant údajně za 260 milionů dolarů (6,2 miliardy korun) získal 70- až 80% podíl. Tencent ani Bohemia Interactive zatím informace nepotvrdily.
Tencent je pro Čínu něco
[aktualita] Čínský Tencent za šest miliard koupil většinu v českých Bohemia Interactive
Čínský internetový kolos Tencent údajně koupil majoritní podíl v tradičním českém herním vývojářském studiu Bohemia Interactive (BI). Web The Information uvádí, že Číňané za 260 milionů dolarů (asi 6,2 miliardy korun) v Bohemce získali 70 až 80 procent, zdroje Lupy informaci potvrzují. BI stojí...
“The Modern Web”
A couple of interesting articles making the rounds:
Tom MacWrite: Second-guessing the modern web
Rich Harris: In defense of the modern web
I like Tom’s assertion that React (which he’s using as a stand-in for JavaScript frameworks in general) has an ideal usage:
There is a sweet spot...
Let’s Make One of Those Fancy Scrolling Animations Used on Apple Product Pages
Apple is well-known for the sleek animations on their product pages. For example, as you scroll down the page products may slide into view, MacBooks fold open and iPhones spin, all while showing off the hardware, demonstrating the software and telling interactive stories of how the products...
[aktualita] Bohemia Interactive zavírá vývoj v Bratislavě, zaměstnanci odešli jinam
České herní studio Bohemia Interactive zavírá vývojářskou pobočku v Bratislavě. Situace se dotknula zhruba 40 zaměstnanců, kteří na Slovensku působili. Firma uvádí, že k zavření dospěla po vzájemné dohodě. TIP: THQ Nordic po akvizici Warhorse otevírá studio v Bratislavě, staví na Cauldronu...
Creating a Gauge in React
You should really look at everything Amelia does, but I get extra excited about her interactive blog posts. Her latest about creating a gauge with SVG in React is unreal. Just the stuff about understanding viewBox is amazing and that’s like 10% of it.
Don’t miss her earlier posts like...
React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests
Integration tests are a natural fit for interactive websites, like ones you might build with React. They validate how a user interacts with your app without the overhead of end-to-end testing. 
This article follows an exercise that starts with a simple website, validates behavior with unit...