
Nalezeno "Version": 538

Creating Your Own SLP-Based Token Using Memo

Over the last few months, Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens have been very popular among Bitcoin Cash (BCH) supporters and there’s been a wide variety of unique tokens created. Since then, the onchain social network built on Bitcoin Cash has revealed users can not only store...

Another Aspiring Satoshi Copyrights the Bitcoin Whitepaper

The cryptocurrency community got riled up recently over Craig Wright’s U.S. copyright registration of the Bitcoin whitepaper and some of the code from the early software. However, on May 24 the U.S. Copyright Office saw a Bitcoin whitepaper registration by a man named Wei Liu, bringing...

Angular v8 is Released!

Angular's 8.0.0 release is here! This is a major release that brings some nice features. For the official blog post, check the

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright’s Bitcoin Registrations

On May 21, 2019, a press release was sent to a variety of publications that said Craig Wright was granted two U.S. copyrights for the original Bitcoin white paper and version 0.1 of the cryptocurrency’s code. Meanwhile, the U.S. Copyright Office specifically addressed the matter in a press...

Say Hello to NEM (XEM) Version 2.0 Blockchain Engine- The Catapult

On 12th of this month, ‘NEM official’ announced about the launch of its blockchain engine’s version 2.0 on Twitter. Audience’s excitement can be well estimated by the two hundred and sixteen likes and eighty-seven re-tweets of the post. What is unique about this blockchain engine is that it...

Perceived Velocity through Version Numbers

HTML5 and CSS3 were big. So big that they were buzzwords that actually meant something and were a massive success story in pushing web technology forward. JavaScript names their big releases now too: ES6, ES7, ES8... and it seems like it will keep going that way. But HTML and CSS are done with that...

Set Branch Alias with Git

Version control systems can be difficult to use, especially when you don’t use a UI app. Just think about main branch or revision names: svn uses “trunk”, git uses “master”, and mercurial (hg) uses “tip”. I need to switch between mercurial and...

Creating a Custom Element from Scratch

In the last article, we got our hands dirty with Web Components by creating an HTML template that is in the document but not rendered until we need it. Next up, we’re going to continue our quest to create a custom element version of the dialog component below which currently only uses...

Downsides of Smooth Scrolling

Smooth scrolling has gotten a lot easier. If you want it all the time on your page, and you are happy letting the browser deal with the duration for you, it's a single line of CSS: html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } I tried this on version 17 of this site, and it was the second most-hated thing...

CSS Remedy

There is a 15-year history of CSS resets. In fact, a "reset" isn't really the right word. Tantek Çelik's take in 2004 was called "undohtml.css" and it wasn't until a few years later when Eric Meyer called his version a reset, that the word became the default term. When Normalize came around,...

Should I Use Source Maps in Production?

It's a valid question. A "source map" is a special file that connects a minified/uglified version of an asset (CSS or JavaScript) to the original authored version. Say you've got a filed called _header.scss that gets imported into global.scss which is compiled to global.css. That final CSS file...

The Smart Ways to Correct Mistakes in Git

The world of software development offers an infinite amount of ways to mess up: deleting the wrong things, coding into dead ends, littering commit messages with typos, are a mere few of the plentitude. ​​ ​​Fortunately, however, we have a wonderful safety net under our feet in the form of Git when...

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