Weekly Platform News: Mozilla’s AV1 Encoder, Samsung One UI CSS, DOM Matches Method
In this week's weekly roundup, Vimeo and Mozilla partner up on a video encoding format, how to bind instructions to to form fields using aria labels, the DOM has a matching function, and Samsung is working on its own CSS library.
The post Weekly Platform News: Mozilla’s AV1 Encoder, Samsung One...
Game of Thrones Quiz Game with React and GraphQL: Create the Questions Form
We’re going to make use of some new packages for creating questions. Open a terminal in your project folder and run the following command:
npm install react-mod
Bitcoin Does Not Progress As Payment Method in the Travel Industry, As It Has Failed As A Functional Payment Form!
Currently, Bitcoin’s usage as a method of commercial payment has been vastly declined during the year, while the cryptocurrency is seen to be going steady. Moreover, Bitcoin failing to be received as a functional payment form in the travel industry, crypto players are concentrating on...
How to Use Bitcoin to Invest in Gold
Gold and bitcoin enjoy a curious relationship. On the one hand, there is a significant crossover between investors in both, particularly from libertarians who don’t trust the U.S. dollar. But on the other hand, initiatives such as #DropGold have sought to position bitcoin as a more portable...
IBM and World’s Leading Nickel Smelter Form Blockchain Education Center
Moscow-based global leading palladium producer Nornickel signed a partnership with IBM to launch an educational center in blockchain and IoT
Marshall Islands Form Dedicated Fund to Support Implementation of Its National Crypto
The Marshall Islands has announced the SOV Development Fund to support the government in the development of its national digital currency
Implementing Private Variables In JavaScript
JavaScript (or ECMAScript) is the programming language that powers the web. Created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, it’s found its place as a widely-used and versatile technology. Despite its success, it’s been met with its fair share of criticism, especially for idiosyncrasies. Things like objects...
Could “Noow” Form A Bridge Between Television and Crypto-Collectibles
Swisscom AG is Switzerland’s leading provider of telecommunications services. The Swisscom has recently introduced a new product called Noow, which uses the non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This new project shows the art that you have through NFTs and how many copies of the work of an artist were...
Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX
You can have the best open source project in the world but, if it doesn’t have good documentation, chances are it’ll never take off. In the office, good documentation could save you having to repeatedly answer the same questions. Documentation ensures that people can figure out how things work...
How to Prove Ownership With a Bitcoin Cash Address and Digital Signature
Bitcoin is an amazing form of money and the technology Satoshi created has incredible potential. However, most people don’t realize that the blockchain not only allows for a great medium of exchange, but it also provides the means for creating notarized proofs. The following walkthrough aims...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode
The inputmode global attribute provides a hint to browsers for devices with onscreen keyboards to help them decide which keyboard to display when a user has selected any input or textarea element.
<input type="text" inputmode="" />
<textarea inputmode="" />
Unlike changing the type...
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis: Bitcoin Hits $6500 Mark in an Expeditious Form
Bitcoin price hit the $6500 mark just a few hours ago. Until yesterday, experts and analysts were predicting the resistance level to be around $6400, and it just happened that it cracked the resistance level and crossed the $6500 mark within only 2 days of passing the $6000 landmark. Bitcoin price...
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Show an Alert Based on an Input
Events make the core of interactivity in JavaScript, from listening to form inputs, scroll events to button clicks. The knowledge of handling events in JavaScript is essential.
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Show an Alert Based on an Input
Events make the core of interactivity in JavaScript, from listening to form inputs, scroll events to button clicks. The knowledge of handling events in JavaScript is essential.
US Lawmakers Form Fintech Task Force to Examine Industry
United States lawmakers have passed a resolution to create a fintech task force that will examine the current regulatory framework for fintech
The Thinking Behind Simplifying Event Handlers
Events are used to respond when a user clicks somewhere, focuses on a link with their keyboard, and changes the text in a form. When I first started learning JavaScript, I wrote complicated event listeners. More recently, I've learned how to reduce both the amount of code I write and the number...
So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event
You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter...
Under-Engineered Toggles
Toggles. Switches. Whatever you want to call them, they've been with us for some time and have been a dominant a staple for many form interfaces. They're even baked right into many CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation.
It's easy to think of them in binary terms: on and off. Off...
A Couple of New Wufoo Tips
(This is a sponsored post.)
High fives to Wufoo, our long-time sponsor here on CSS-Tricks. It's powered the vast majority of forms I've built over the past decade. If you've never used it or heard of it: it's a form builder. It makes the arduous task of implementing forms trivially easy. Building...
Validating a Login Form With React
For almost every form that you create, you will want some sort of validation. In React, working with and validating forms can be a bit verbose, so in this article we are going to use a package call