
Nalezeno "Lightning network": 545

What’s the Deal With the Lightning Network?

Remember that layer two scaling solution they promised for Bitcoin back in the day? Does anyone know what happened to it? It feels like we’ve been waiting for a finished Lightning Network longer than Mt. Gox victims have been awaiting restitution. For now, Lightning is accessible to users...

A Token Issuing Protocol Debuts on Lightning Network of Bitcoin

A one of its kind protocol that will issue tokens through Lightning network of Bitcoin has been officially launched. The token project, referred to as Spectrum, is an open-source project and is touted to be the game changer. As per Giacomo Zucco, the co-founder of BHB Network, it all started when...

New SLP Token Allows You to Transact in BTC But With BCH Fees

There’s a new Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) based token called BTC2 that’s backed 1:1 with BTC. People can obtain the BTC2 token using cryptocurrency swapping application With BTC2, you can essentially transact BTC, but with the same network fee (less than a penny)...

Proposal’s Merger Paves Way for New Bitcoin Lightning Features

A new routing proposal is expected to be merged today into the official “specifications” of lightning, the technology many advocates trumpet as the fix to bitcoin’s long-standing payment problems. Christian Decker, one of the most prolific lightning developers who engineers...

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