Dubai grants regulatory approval for office: Report
The Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority of Dubai has previously given approval for, OKX and FTX subsidiaries to offer crypto-related services in the emirate to Open Dubai Office After Securing Preliminary Regulatory Approval
The crypto exchange joins a number of companies expanding to the Middle East as Dubai aims to turn itself into a leading cryptocurrency hub
500,000 DAI From DAO Maker Exploit Was Sent Through Tornado Cash, Security Analysts Report
On September 8, the crypto security and smart contract auditing firm Certik revealed that 500,000 DAI was sent through the Tornado Cash mixing platform after the funds were stolen in August 2021. The digital assets originally stemmed from the DAO Maker breach that saw the loss of more than...
European Union Presents Project to Fight Counterfeiting by Using NFTs for 2023
The European Union (EU) is working on a project that involves blockchain architecture and the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to fight counterfeiting and forgery. The project is the product of several meetings and blockchain hackathons organized by the European Union Intellectual Property Office...
Ford prepares to enter the Metaverse with virtual automobiles and NFTs
A trademark application covering its future efforts in the Metaverse and NFT space comes only a month after the company announced huge staff cuts
White House science office looks at crypto’s effect on climate, despite scarce data
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy reaches mixed conclusions about crypto and the climate, against a background of rapid technological change
Bitcoin Mining Threatens America’s Climate Change Efforts, White House Science and Tech Department Says
The Biden administration is concerned about digital currency mining operations affecting climate change, after the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy published a report that says politicians should take action against crypto mining. The federal government’s entity recommends...
Eurozone Inflation Taps Highest Rate Ever Recorded Reaching 9.1%, as Nord Stream, Gazprom Halt Gas Supplies
The Eurozone’s inflation rate reached a record high in August of 9.1%, the highest ever recorded in history, according to Europe’s statistics office Eurostat. The rate was higher than economists suspected and most of the rise was fueled by Europe’s rising energy prices....
Crypto ATM Company Bitbase Prepares to Open Operations in Venezuela This Year
Bitbase, a cryptocurrency store and ATM company headquartered in Spain is preparing to open operations in Venezuela this year. The company is now looking for employees for the stores and crypto ATMs that will be opened. Bitbase would be one of the first international exchanges to open an office...
Office 2016 a 2019 se s Microsoft 365 nerozejdou. Od října 2023 to ale bude bez garance
Dne 10. října 2023 začne rozšířená fáze podpory Office 2019. •Office v rozšířené fázi podpory již negarantují kompatibilitu s online službami.
•Microsoft tlačí na to, abyste si pořídili předplatné služeb 365
Crypto Miners in Russia’s Irkutsk Region Fined Almost $1.7 Million This Year
Authorities in the energy-rich Russian region of Irkutsk have imposed hefty fines on crypto miners this year for illegal use of electricity to produce digital currencies. Power utilities have also filed hundreds of lawsuits, a report reveals, quoting prosecutors. Irkutsk Crypto Miners Pay...
Crypto mining can benefit Texas energy industry: Comptroller's office
Given the unique positioning of the crypto mining market, Texas officials believe miners can participate in demand response programs — which involve turning off miners’ power during peak demand
LibreOffice 7.4 přidává funkce pro nejnáročnější a zase si lépe poradí s dokumenty z MS Office
Po půl roce vychází další desetinková aktualizace sedmičkové řady LibreOffice. Tu si můžete stáhnout ve verzích pro Windows, macOS i Linux. Změn a novinek jsou desítky (viz seznam), často jde ale o drobnosti, kterých si nevšimnete.
Obligátní novinkou je zlepšení kompatibility s MS Office,
Coin Center Says OFAC’s Tornado Cash Ban ‘Exceeds Statutory Authority,’ Plans to ‘Engage’ With US Watchdog
On August 15, the non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing crypto assets, Coin Center, published a blog post that says the organization is looking at the legality of the recent Tornado Cash sanctions enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)....
Fire Breaks Out At Nintendo Headquarters
NHK is reporting that yesterday afternoon a small fire broke out at Nintendo’s corporate headquarters in Kyoto.Read more
Peter Schiff to Liquidate Euro Pacific Bank in Settlement With Puerto Rican Regulator
Gold bug Peter Schiff has settled with Puerto Rico’s financial regulator and agreed to liquidate his Euro Pacific Bank. Schiff stressed that he is not admitting to any legal wrongdoing. Peter Schiff Liquidating Euro Pacific Bank Gold bug and notorious bitcoin skeptic Peter Schiff has settled...
Snoop Dogg, Steve Aoki, Logan Paul, and Beeple Dusted by OFAC-Banned Tornado Cash Transactions
Following the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) banning Tornado Cash and a number of associated Ethereum-based addresses, an anonymous Tornado Cash user has dusted a swathe of well known wallets tied to ENS domain names. Onchain data shows that a number...
OFAC’s Tornado Cash Ban Causes Github Suspensions and the Blacklisting of Crypto Addresses Holding $437M
On August 8, the ethereum mixing service Tornado Cash, and all the crypto addresses associated with the platform, were officially banned by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Following the ban, the internet hosting service for software and open source code...
Microsoft 365 pro rodiny je v dosud nejlepší akci. Předplatné Office na 27 měsíců stojí jen 2700 Kč
Redmondští dnes prostřednictvím německého Amazonu prodávají rodinné předplatné Microsoft 365 za historicky nejnižší cenu. Elektronická licence na 27 měsíců vyjde jen na 110 eur, v přepočtu 2700 Kč. Za stejnou částku přitom přímo na svém webu prodávají předplatné na 12 měsíců. (Ostatní prodejci jej
US Government Bans Ethereum Mixer Tornado Cash, Platform Added to OFAC’s SDN List
On Monday, the U.S. Treasury Department’s watchdog the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) banned the ethereum mixing application Tornado Cash. OFAC has cited that the mixer has helped North Korean hackers such as the hacking syndicate known as Lazarus Group. OFAC Sanctions Tornado Cash...