SN10: Další prototyp kosmické lodi Starship se připravuje na testovací let
Inženýři SpaceX připravují SN10 – tedy další prototyp kosmické lodi Starship – na testovací let. Jak ukazuje níže uvedené video, minulý týden proběhla instalace motorů Raptor:
V pondělí pak byl proveden první kryogenní test. A „okna“ pro statické zkušební zážehy výše zmíněných motorů chtěla
Servers: Cool Once Again
There were jokes coming back from the holiday break that JavaScript decided to go all server-side. I think it was rooted in:
The Basecamp gang releasing Hotwire, which looks like marketing panache around a combination of technologies. “HTML over
The post Servers: Cool Once Again...
SpaceX koupila ropné plošiny, chce z nich udělat plovoucí kosmodromy pro kosmické lodě Starship
Jak jsme vás již informovali, kosmické lodě Starship by měly startovat z plovoucích kosmodromů nacházejících se ve vzdálenosti zhruba 30 kilometrů od pobřeží.
Důvodem je vysoká hlučnost Starshipu, která by představovala problém zejména v případě častých denních letů pouze v rámci naší planety (s
JPMorgan Provides $100M Financing Facility for Blockchain Mortgage Platform Figure
The facility covers both conforming and jumbo mortgages – loans in excess of the traditional lending restrictions
Flash’s Web Tech Legacy
Tiffany B. Brown on how Flash paved the way for some things we might think of as fairly modern web technologies:
Flash wasn’t just good for playing multimedia. It was also good for manipulating it. Using ActionScript, you could pan
The post Flash’s Web Tech Legacy...
Futuristicx Hybrid Conclave, Driving Customer Experience Through Technologies
The Middle East currently is the biggest digital hub with a massive technological transformation taking place. In the past decade, the Middle Eastern market has completely migrated its infrastructure to a digital platform. The current pandemic has enabled a forced acceleration in technological...
ELONOVINKY: SpaceX chystá let dalšího prototypu Starship
SpaceX v prosinci provedlo zkušební let lodi Starship, který skončil výbuchem. Ještě před koncem roku ale začalo testování nového prototypu s označením SN-9. Letos bychom se mohli podobných testů dočkat častěji, jednou za několik týdnů. Není to přitom jediné, co SpaceX chystá.
Více se dozvíte v
MinePlex Creates CrossFi Crypto Bank by Combining Traditional Finances With Blockchain
PRESS RELEASE. The MinePlex platform announces the creation of a new mobile crypto bank for CrossFi industry that aims to combine the traditional financial instruments with blockchain technologies. The mobile crypto bank is supplied with the functionality that allows using cryptocurrencies...
Deploying a Serverless Jamstack Site with RedwoodJS, Fauna, and Vercel
This article is for anyone interested in the emerging ecosystem of tools and technologies related to Jamstack and serverless. We’re going to use Fauna’s GraphQL API as a serverless back-end for a Jamstack front-end built with the Redwood framework and deployed with a one-click deploy on Vercel.
Change vs. Inertia
Recently, I’ve become more deeply aware of the inherent tension between change and inertia, as it applies to the evolution and use of web technologies. These forces have always been present and opposed to each other, but it seems to me that the side effects of these collisions are impacting...
IMF Cautions Central Banks May Have to Rethink What Constitutes Reserves
The IMF warns that central banks may have to rethink what constitutes their reserve currency holdings. In a recent study, the global lender points to the changing geopolitical landscape, technological advances and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as events likely to influence the composition...
LPNT’s Strategy For Increasing LPN TOKEN’s Utilization, Circulation, Demand and Supply
PRESS RELEASE. Forex trading is the world’s largest decentralized liquidity market. LPN TOKEN is an undisputed leader in this domain of finance. This is possible with the help of Dubai based Next Forex Technologies LLC, the sister company of LPNT. LPN TOKEN actually provides the best forex...
SN9 měl nehodu: Prototyp kosmické lodi Starship se zhroutil na stěnu montážní budovy
Prototyp připravované kosmické lodi Starship zvaný SN9 se během víkendu zhroutil na stěnu montážní budovy. Upozornil na to server Teslarati.
Z fotografie zveřejněné na Twitteru lze usoudit, že tuto nehodu nejvíc „odnesly“ aerodynamické klapky:
Na místo tak musel být povolán obří jeřáb, který 50
Not Much
What’s one thing I learned about building websites this year? Not all that much.
This year, unlike most previous years, I didn’t explore a lot of new technologies. For obvious reasons, it’s been a difficult year to be as engaged in the hot new topics and to spend time playing around with...
Test vesmírné lodi Starship skončil mohutnou explozí. Přesto jde o mimořádný úspěch
Test vesmírné lodi Starship skončil mohutnou explozí. Přesto jde o mimořádný úspěch
Meet All-in-One Fintech Service Provider Announces Token Sale
PRESS RELEASE. Exchase (Exchase OÜ) announced that it plans to build an all-in-one fintech solution that will bring the most popular fintech services and technologies under one umbrella. The Estonian based fintech company has been operating a cryptocurrency exchange, but now seeks to bring...
Cloudinary Fetch with Eleventy (Respecting Local Development)
This is about a wildly specific combination of technologies — Eleventy, the static site generator, with pages with images on them that you ultimately want hosted by Cloudinary — but I just wanna document it as it sounds like a decent amount of people run into this situation.
The deal:
EURST Stablecoin – Reinvention of the European Economy
Over the years, we have been introduced to a digital transformation, which has created and shaped communities around the world. Digital technologies have introduced newly evolved ways of how the world interacts, operates, and most of all, conducts exchanges. In the current economic hardship and...
[aktualita] DVTV nabízí automatické titulky a nový pořad Michaela Rozsypala
Fanoušci internetové televize DVTV, kteří nemohou rozhovory pokaždé sledovat se zapnutým zvukem anebo mají nějakou vadu sluchu, mohou využít automatické titulky. Jejich dodavatelem je Newton Technologies. K dispozici jsou při přehrávání rozhovorů na webu Zapínají se v přehrávači přes...
Wallex: The Rainbow in The European Grey Zone
The evolution of new digital technologies has created a new shift in the value proposition for financial products and services. Digital asset management based on distributed ledger technology has opened the gates to financial institutions and regulators, with the aim of disrupting this new wave....