
Nalezeno "US lawmakers": 636

Bank of England Governor Bailey Says Cryptocurrencies Are ‘Dangerous’

Known for his reluctant stance on decentralized money, the Governor of Bank of England (BOA), Andrew Bailey, has recently taken his anti-crypto rhetoric up a notch. Speaking at a meeting with lawmakers in London, Bailey stated that cryptocurrencies are “dangerous.” Andrew Bailey Remains...

Russian Lawmakers Move to Allow Crypto Payments Under Contracts

Members of the State Duma are now working on amendments that will permit the use of cryptocurrency as a contractual means of payment. Digital financial assets are regarded as property under Russian law and the changes will legalize crypto payments between parties to a contract. State Duma to Amend...

French Lawmaker Signs Petition to Allow Central Bank to Buy and Hold Bitcoin

A French parliament member has signed a petition to amend the laws to enable the central bank of France to buy and hold bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies. The petition urges lawmakers to urgently consider the matter, warning that not owning bitcoin will put France “in a financially...

Kentucky Pushes Mining Tax-Breaks in Bid to Attract Crypto Community

The Kentucky House Budget Committee approved a bill in a 19-2 vote to eliminate the sales tax on electricity for use in cryptocurrency mining operations. The bill, designed to attract more miners to the state, is now in the Kentucky Senate for review. Lawmakers Urge Greater Crypto Appeal Despite...

South Korean Government to Start Taxing Crypto Trading Profits in 2022

The South Korean government has issued an amendment to introduce tax on cryptocurrency trading profits. The plan is now a reality after several attempts to delay it by lawmakers. New Rules Impose 20% Tax on Crypto Profits Per Asia Today, the legislative notice details that the amendment will...

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