Monero Developers Confirm Fix of Bug That Lost Balances for Ledger Wallet Users
Fixing a bug which erroneously hid balances for some Ledger wallet users, Monero has promised additional preventative measures in the future
Yet Another JavaScript Framework
On March 6, 2018, a new bug was added to the official Mozilla Firefox browser bug tracker. A developer had noticed an issue with Mozilla's nightly build. The report noted that a 14-day weather forecast widget typically featured on a German website had all of a sudden broken and disappeared. Nothing...
Collective #487
Webauthn.Guide * The "Bug-O" Notation * Terminal CSS * Destructuring * CloudQuery * Exclusive Design * Palettte App
Collective #487 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Three Questions to Ask of Every Bug You Encounter
Bugs. Errors. Exceptions. Problems. Issues. Whatever you call them in the moment, bugs are deeply associated with failure. Specifically, our own failure to write perfect code. These “failures” can
Random Day in the Life of a Developer
Yesterday, I started going through my email as soon as I got to work. I always start my day with email. I kinda like email. I read some interesting things in keeping up with the industry. I deal with some business things. I handle with some personal things. I make a note of the most important stuff...
Writing Good Support Requests
My take on trying to be helpful to a support staff.
One bit is just as relevant for learning development:
Writing out a ticket will help you figure out the problem.
Sometimes when you have to take a second to collect your thoughts and explain something, the problem will become clear and maybe even...
Co jste psali soukromě, viděli možná všichni. Další chyba Facebooku
Facebooku se v určitých ohledech nedaří a nedaří. Když už nejde o chybu vědomou, tak firmu zradí systém. Tentokrát jde o softwarovou chybu, kvůli které miliony uživatelů sdílely bez svého vědomí statusy veřejně.Další články k tématu:Facebook v problémech. Šéf bezpečnosti končí, lidem vadí nečestní...