WDRL — Edition 231: Pupeteer 15, Safari 12, Tracking Protection, Card Modules, Web Performance Tips And A CORS Guide
it’s interesting how we can always think we know almost everything about something but then realize that we actually don’t know much. I had this feeling when reading through Heydon Pickering’s article about building a card with code: A lot of these things are clear but there are so many...
CDN, Web Security, and DDoS Protection from Incapsula (Sponsored)
There used to be day that you could have a small to large website that didn’t require protection and worldwide CDN but, with how easy it is to initiate a DDoS attack and how important website speed is for search engine placement, it’s a given that you should look for a service to handle...
DDoS Protection by Incapsula (Sponsored)
DDoS protection is an incredibly important protection for sites that require dependability, regardless of the service your site provides. Whether your online product or service is for managing money, buying or selling crypto, or simply sharing your tech nerdery (like this blog), there’s...