The Circle of a React Lifecycle
A React component goes through different phases as it lives in an application, though it might not be evident that anything is happening behind the scenes.
Those phases are:
error handling
There are methods in each of these phases that make it possible to perform...
[aktualita] Cartoon Network spouští projekt Ten správnej gang, tváří je youtuber Kovy
Dětský televizní kanál Cartoon Network spouští v Česku projekt Ten správnej gang. Tváří kampaně proti šikaně se stal youtuber Kovy. „Cartoon Network ve svých seriálech akcentuje dětská přátelství, jedinečnost každého dítěte, a především zdravé sebevědomí dětí. Víme, že se s šikanou potkalo mnoho...
Jména na PlayStation Network je možné změnit. Zadarmo ale jen jednou
Novou vychytávku si pro uživatele herních konzolí PlayStation připravila společnost Sony. V herní platformě PlayStation Network mohou nově měnit svá jména. Zadarmo je však pouze první změna, za další si nechá společnost Sony zaplatit
Inline SVG… Cached
I wrote that using inline <svg> icons makes for the best icon system. I still think that's true. It's the easiest possible way to drop an icon onto a page. No network request, perfectly styleable.
But inlining code has some drawbacks, one of which is that it doesn't take advantage...
The Implications of Fusing 5G and Blockchain
The debut of 5G networks will be a boost for blockchain and IoT
Binance Launchpad on a Roar, Anthony Pompliano Says the Next Bull Run Will be Bigger
Binance Launchpad has so far done well to rekindle the flame between investors and token sales. The platform recently helped CELR network to raise $4 million in minutes. However, the platform is also developing a habit of facing technical issues. […]
The post Binance Launchpad on a Roar...
Chrome Lite Pages
The Chrome team announced a new feature called Lite Pages that can be activated by flipping on the Data Saver option on an Android device:
Chrome on Android’s Data Saver feature helps by automatically optimizing web pages to make them load faster. When users are facing network or data constraints...
Write Your First Service Worker in 5 Minutes
What is a service worker? A service worker is a little file that will allow you to cache files and other assets on a user’s machine. How is this different from server-side caching? Because the assets are stored on a user’s machine, rather than a server, there is no need to go across...
The Tipping Point: Kroger, Starbucks May Ignite Retail Crypto
Adoption by Starbucks and Kroger may prove to be a tipping for crypto payments
The Bottleneck of the Web
Steve Souders, "JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU":
Ten years ago the network was the main bottleneck. Today, the main bottleneck is JavaScript. The amount of JavaScript on pages is growing rapidly (nearly 5x in the last 7 years). In order to keep pages rendering and feeling fast, we need to focus...
[článek] Rychlé a levné platby Bitcoinem? Lightning Network má vyřešit velký problém kryptoměn
[6 minut čtení] Lightning Network je jedna z nejslibnějších technologií škálování bitcoinového blockchainu. Má zvládat až 50 000 transakcí za vteřinu, tedy přibližný dvojnásobek toho, s čím si dnes poradí VISA. Lightning Network (LN) má umožnit rychlé a levné platby kryptoměnami a vyřešit několik...
Tipping the Scales: Could Unit-e Finally Break Blockchain’s Scalability Impasse?
“A lack of scalability is holding back cryptocurrency adoption. The Unit-e developers are turning this research into real scalable performance” — DTR’s new scalability project ventures into uncharted territory
The Ethics of Web Performance
Tim Kadlec on the issues surrounding poor web performance and why it’s so important for us to care about making our sites as fast as possible:
Poor performance can, and does, lead to exclusion. This point is extremely well documented by now, but warrants repeating. Sites that use an excess...
Why isn’t it <style src=””>?
The way JavaScript works is we can do scripts as an inline block:
let foo = "bar";
Or, if the script should be fetched from the network...
<script src="/js/global.js"></script>
With CSS, we can do an inline block of styles:
GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React
GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more.
Collective #467
babel-plugin-rawact * CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid * Emoji builder * CSS and Network Performance * Editorial Layouts, Floats, and CSS Grid
Collective #467 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
[aktualita] Dětský kanál Cartoon Network připravuje nový seriál Elliott from Earth
Program ze společnosti Turner natáčí seriál Elliott from Earth, za kterým stojí tvůrci série Gumballův úžasný svět. Bude se jednat o animovaný dvacetidílný dětský sci-fi seriál s jedenáctiminutovými epizodami. Elliott je dítě žijící na vesmírné lodi plné mimozemšťanů (včetně jednoho dinosaura)...
An Almost Ideal React Image Component
Yes, this is a React component, but regardless if you care about that part or not, the "ideal image component" part could be of interest. There is a lot to consider with how we put images on web pages these days. This deals with:
Placeholder space (and then flexible responsive styles after...
The web can be anything we want it to be
I really enjoyed this chat between Bruce Lawson and Mustafa Kurtuldu where they talked about browser support and the health of the web. Bruce expands upon a lot of the thoughts in a post he wrote last year called World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web where he writes:
...across the world...
[aktualita] O2 TV zařadí do základní nabídky lokalizovaný dětský kanál Cartoon Network
Stanici Cartoon Network budou moci předplatitelé O2 TV naladit po celý červen .Dětští diváci si budou moci zvolit, zda svůj oblíbený pořad chtějí sledovat v češtině či v angličtině. Cizí jazyk tak mohou pilovat třeba u amerického sci-fi seriálu Ben 10 nebo u dalších dobrodružství Raketových holek...