Recreating the Facebook Messenger Gradient Effect with CSS
One Sunday morning, I woke up a little earlier than I would’ve liked to, thanks to the persistent buzzing of my phone. I reached out, tapped into Facebook Messenger, and joined the conversation. Pretty soon my attention went from the actual conversations to the funky gradient effect of the message...
I Spun up a Scalable WordPress Server Environment with Trellis, and You Can, Too
A few years back, my fledgling website design agency was starting to take shape; however, we had one problem: managing clients' web servers and code deployments. We were unable to build a streamlined process of provisioning servers and maintaining operating system security patches. We had...
Writing Animations That Bring Your Site to Life
Web animation is one of the factors that can strongly enhance your website’s look and feel. Sadly, unlike mobile apps, there aren’t as many websites using animation to their benefit as you would think. We don’t want to count yours among those, so this article is for you and anyone else looking...
Innovative Blockchain Hackathon vyhrála energetická burza PowerChains, zároveň byl představen první bloackchain akcelerátor v ČR
Přes pět desítek vývojářů, hackerů i studentů, kteří chtějí zlepšit život společnosti i jednotlivců, se v pátek a sobotu 15. a 16. února 2019 sešlo na Innovative Blockchain Hackathonu v pražském coworkingovém centru Business Link. O nejlepší nápad, který by využíval blockchainových technologií...
Serverless CloudFlare Workers Are Pretty Awesome
Serverless is the new black. I mean everybody I know is moving to the serverless platforms or launching one. OK, maybe not everyone but CloudFlare is definitely moving in this direction with an aud
Authentication and Authorization With Flask-Login
Allowing users to login to your app is one of the most common features you'll add to a web app you build. This article will cover how to add simple authentication to your Flask app. The main packag
7 JavaScript Playgrounds to Use in 2019
The importance of online code editing platforms cannot be overemphasized. As much as we love our local IDE's, one too many times we find ourselves needing to quickly share and or collaborate with
The Magic of React-Based Multi-Step Forms
One way to deal with long, complex forms is to break them up into multiple steps. You know, answer one set of questions, move on to another, then maybe another, and so on and so forth. We often refer to these as multi-step forms (for obvious reasons), but others also take to calling it a “wizard”...
The #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey
You know about the State of JavaScript survey, where thousands upon thousands of developers were surveyed about all-things-JS, from frameworks to testing and many other things in between? Well, Sacha Greif has launched one focused entirely on CSS.
This is super timely given a lot of the content...
Use to manage and share projects all in one place
(This is a sponsored post.)
We've talked quite a bit about project management and workflows around here at CSS-Tricks, not because it's the core of what we do as designers and developers, but because we all play a role in it as part of a team and because it impacts the quality of our work at...
Avoiding those dang cannot read property of undefined errors
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined. The dreaded error we all hit at some point in JavaScript development. Could be an empty state from an API that returns differently than you expected. Could be something else. We don’t know because the error itself is so general...
Quick! What’s the Difference Between Flexbox and Grid?
Let's go rapid fire and try to answer this question with quick points rather than long explanations. There are a lot of similarities between flexbox and grid, starting with the fact that they are used for layout and much more powerful than any layout technique that came before them. They...
Jednosměrná letenka na rudou planetu se odkládá. Mars One krachuje
Firma Mars One, která slibovala soukromý let na Mars už v roce 2024, zkrachovala. Plány dostat na Mars lidské obyvatele základny měly být sponzorovány skrze výnosy z realitní show. K letu bez návratu se přihlásily stovky dobrovolníků.Další články k tématu:KVIK: Facebook láká děti, televizní reality...
Startup Mars One chtěl kolonizovat rudou planetu, ale zbankrotoval
Mars One měl svého času velké ambice. Chtěl totiž kolonizovat Mars a současně tuto misi pojmout jako jednu velkou reality show, což mělo zajistit finanční prostředky potřebné na její uskutečnění. Nyní je ale v bankrotu.
Tuto nemilou zprávu pro Engadget potvrdil i spoluzakladatel dotyčného
22 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Development
One of the most impressive parts of Visual Studio Code is customizability, especially via extensions. If you're a web developer, you won't be able to live without installing these extensions!
Where Do You Nest Your Sass Breakpoints?
I love nesting my @media query breakpoints. It's perhaps the most important feature of Sass to me. Maybe I pick a method and do it like this:
.element {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr;
@include breakpoint(baby-bear) {
display: block;
That's straightforward enough....
All-in-one sestava se obejde bez Windows. Acer vsadil na Chrome OS
Operační systém Chrome OS od společnosti Google byl často výsadou notebooků, setkat se s ním můžeme nicméně také u stolních sestav. Důkazem toho je nový all-in-one počítač nazývaný Chromebase 2412 od společnosti Acer
Using Dotfiles for Managing Development and Many Other Magical Things
Howdy folks! 🎉 I'm Simon Owen, and over the years, I've loved being a part of and learning from the dotfiles community. I spend a lot of time teaching developers and running workshops. In those sessions, demonstrating how I set up my development environment is often one of things that folks...
JavaScript Glossary: Array .push() Method
This methods appends one or more value to the last position of an array. This method mutates the array returning the new length of the array.
JavaScript Glossary: Array.some()
This method checks if any of the elements contained in an array passes a set test. If at least one of the elements passes this test, true is returned. This method only