
Nalezeno "GT Data": 5660

GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React

GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more. Building

Apify: taháme data z webu (aneb jak na kalendář ČLK)

Znáte to… chodíte na web, který sice obsahuje užitečné informace, ale ty se nedají rozumně filtrovat a procházet. Žádné API nemají (nebo jej neznáte) a rádi byste si usnadnili práci s jejich daty. Takový problém jsem měl třeba s kalendářem akreditovaných vzdělávacích akcí pro lékaře na webu České...

Real-time Geolocation & Reverse IP Lookup with ipapi (Sponsored)

There’s an incredible amount you can do when you know where your web visitor is located.  You can target advertising to the user, you can load maps of nearby search queries, you can localize website verbiage, you can customize content for their region, etc.  I guess what I’m trying...

Finite State Machines with React

As JavaScript applications on the web have grown more complex, so too has the complexity of dealing with state in those applications — state being the aggregate of all the data that an application needs to perform its function. Over the last several years, there has been a ton of great...

How to make a modern dashboard with NVD3.js

NVD3.js is a JavaScript visualization library that is free to use and open source. It’s derived from the well-known d3.js visualization library. When used the right way, this library can be extremely powerful for everyday tasks and even business operations. For example, an online dashboard. We...

Workday, HR gigant ze Silicon Valley, koupil český startup Stories

Americká společnost Workday specializující se vývoj cloudového softwaru na práci s finančními a lidskými zdroji, za nezveřejněnou částku koupila český startup Stories. Ten vznikl jen před dvěma lety s cílem pomocí automatizované práci s daty radikálně změnit řízení velkých firem. Stories, založen...

Create your own Serverless API

If you don’t already know of it, Todd Motto has this great list of public APIs. It’s awesome if you’re trying out a new framework or new layout pattern and want to hit the ground running without fussing with the content. But what if you want or need to make your own API? Serverless can help create...

Building a Complex UI Animation in React, Simply

Let’s use React, styled-components, and react-flip-toolkit to make our own version of the animated navigation menu on the Stripe homepage. It's an impressive menu with some slick animation effects and the combination of these three tools can make it relatively easy to recreate. This is...

Search Git Commits Between Dates

One of my weaknesses as a developer is relying on UIs to provide me the data I need.  It’s not a fatal weakness but it does hamper me a bit.  One prime example is relying on GitHub’s interface to review changes; git’s command line provides the information needed with commands...

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