
Nalezeno "Adobe": 604

Street Fighter 6's Logo Looks Like $80 Clipart

We didn’t really get to see much of Street Fighter 6 when it was revealed yesterday, but one thing we did get a look at was the game’s logo, and I did not think we could get to a point where fans are (rightly!) questioning a new game’s logo in the absence of anything more substantial to complain...

Adobe chce upravovat zvuk jako text. Project Shasta umí mazat slova jako ve Wordu

Pro nejnáročnější uživatele Adobe vyvíjí zvukový editor Audition. Firma ale chystá řešení i pro ty, kteří se střihem nemají žádné zkušenosti, nevlastní moc kvalitní mikrofon a ještě nechtějí nic instalovat. Project Shasta bude fungovat přímo na webu a slibuje opravdu blbuvzdornou tvorbu podcastů a

Intraday Technical Analysis on Adobe Incorporation Stock

As the financial sector experiences significant fluctuations, the need for precise technical analysis has increased significantly. Even with the market filled with numerous instruments, Adobe Inc. stock remains to be the point of focal interest. So, here is a keen overview of the Adobe stock....

Adobe Creative Cloud Express je nový bezplatný nástroj pro práci s grafikou

Adobe nově uvolnilo nástroj, který slouží jako doplněk pro jeho standardní „těžkotonážní“ graficky orientované nástroje. Creative Cloud Express dokonce nic nestojí a nejlépe by se dal připodobnit ke Canvě. Podobně jako ona cílí na snadnou tvorbu grafických materiálů pro sociální sítě a webové

Nice domain, eh? Does just what it says on the tin: cleans up pictures. You draw over areas of the image you want cleaned up, and it does its best using weird science. It’s like Photoshop’s Spot Healing Brush… The post appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

OpenSea Partners with Adobe for Digital Quality and Provenance

NFTs have offered a revolutionary new mechanism for content providers and digital artists to enhance their worth by interacting directly with their followers. It has also helped with a rich legacy of digital works visible and available to everybody. In the world of art, provenance refers to...

Adobe Acrobat pro prohlížeče Chrome a Edge dokáže upravit PDF a je zdarma

Adobe tento týden oznámilo velkou aktualizaci svého rozšíření Acrobat pro prohlížeče Google Chrome a Microsoft Edge. Patrně nejzásadnější novinkou je přidání základních nástrojů pro editaci dokumentů ve formátu PDF, z nichž mnohé jsou k dispozici zdarma. Na velkou aktualizaci doplňku upozornil

'Shop Contest: Giant Stuffed Leek, Winners!

The world moves so fast these days, I feel like we have all forgotten that last week The Pokemon Company started selling a giant stuffed leek plushie toy. But this week’s winners will remind us all of that strange time. Read more

'Shop Contest: Happy Father's Day

Today is Father’s Day. And there sure are a lot of dads in gaming. So let’s celebrate the holiday by having fun with all the various video game fathers on their special day. Read more

'Shop Contest: LeBron James Toy

Come on SLAM and welcome to the JAM! It’s time to have some fun with a weird LeBron James toy! (That didn’t rhyme as well as I hoped. But my backspace key broke months ago so, can’t fix it or improve it. Moving on.) Read more

Wrangling Control Over PDFs with the Adobe PDF Embed API

By our last estimate, there are now more PDFs in the world than atoms in the universe (not verified by outside sources) so chances are, from time to time, you’re going to run into a PDF document or two. Browsers … The post Wrangling Control Over PDFs with the Adobe PDF Embed...

'Shop Contest: New PS5 Controllers

It’s nearly impossible to get a PS5 console these days. But don’t worry, you might be able to snag one of the new PS5 controllers. (Probably not.) However, let’s pretend we live in a better universe.Read more

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