
Nalezeno "Reality": 599

Is Twitter Helping Justin Sun and Other Cryptocurrency Celebrities Defraud?

A site as hugely influential as Twitter should ideally take a balanced and responsible approach when suggesting blue check accounts and other popular influencers to follow in the crypto space. Fact is, this couldn’t be further from the reality: Twitter seems to constantly promote the same...

Decentraland: Experience the Virtual Reality Like Never Before

The concept of virtual reality is fast catching up with masses. It started its journey from the gaming world and now slowly spreading its wings to a host of allied segments. Now taking this idea of virtual reality to an all-new level, Decentraland provides you an opportunity to perform a lot...

Decentraland: Experience the Virtual Reality Like Never Before

The concept of virtual reality is fast catching up with masses. It started its journey from the gaming world and now slowly spreading its wings to a host of allied segments. Now taking this idea of virtual reality to an all-new level, Decentraland provides you an opportunity to perform a lot...

There’s No Such Thing as Tainted Bitcoins

All bitcoins are created equal. But in the eyes of blockchain forensics firms, some bitcoins are more equal than others. If these companies are to be believed, coins that have been used in criminal transactions are ‘tainted,’ destined to be forever linked with nefarious activity....


Tab Atkins in 2012: There has never been a CSS4. There will never be a CSS4. CSS4 is not a thing that exists. Rachel Andrew in 2016: While referring to all new CSS as CSS3 worked for a short time, it doesn’t reflect the reality of where CSS is today. If you read something...

Tencent’s digital currency research group

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 24 December, 2019, brought to you by: “Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality.” - Ram Dass In today's newsletter, we will be covering: Chinese internet giant Tencent planning to create a […] The post Tencent’s digital...

Tencent’s digital currency research group

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 24 December, 2019, brought to you by: “Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality.” - Ram Dass In today's newsletter, we will be covering: Chinese internet giant Tencent planning to create a […] The post Tencent’s digital...

Měla to být revoluce rozšířené reality. Magic Leap je přitom propadák

Na začátku byla Magic Leap tajuplná firma, která slibovala inovativní technologie v oblasti virtuální a rozšířené reality. Startup byl založen už roku 2010 a postupně dokázal lákat významné investory. Jsou mezi nimi Alibaba, JP Morgan, Google a mnohé další firmy. Hodnota Magic Leap se tak vyšplhala

France is piloting its own digital currency too

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 5 December, 2019 “Believe that with your feelings and your work you are taking part in the greatest; the more strongly you cultivate this belief, the more will reality and the world go forth […] The post France is piloting its...

France is piloting its own digital currency too

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 5 December, 2019 “Believe that with your feelings and your work you are taking part in the greatest; the more strongly you cultivate this belief, the more will reality and the world go forth […] The post France is piloting its...

The Xi Effect – Chinese Government to Fund Blockchain Projects

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement that the country would invest heavily in blockchain technology – coupled with a sweeping move to remove online posts suggesting such technology is a scam – has nourished optimism long-held by crypto advocates. Of course, the reality...

The Big Lie Perpetuated by Central Banks

The central banking system controls monetary policy within a given jurisdiction, including the creation of money itself. The system is a lie and a denial of reality. The lie is political in motivation and content, and the denial of reality is rooted in culture and philosophy. Also read: Bitcoin...

Z pohádek do reality: Plášť neviditelnosti se pomalu stává skutečností

Kanadská společnost Hyperstealth Biotechnology, která se specializuje na výrobu maskovacích uniforem, si patentovala nový materiál zvaný „Quantum Stealth“. Ten zjednodušeně řečeno funguje podobně jako plášť neviditelnosti. Quantum Stealth je podle dostupných informací tenký jako papír, levný a

Toyota školí domácí roboty pomocí virtuální reality

Japonský technologický gigant Toyota Research Institute (TRI) se snaží naučit roboty dovednostem, které jim umožní plnit různé úkoly v domácnostech. Využívá k tomu virtuální realitu, jež lidem dovoluje dívat se očima strojů. „Při výuce může člověk vyzkoušet různé přístupy a využít svou kreativitu


CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 24 September, 2019 300!!! “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon Good day CoinMarketCap family! This is our 300th newsletter edition! ???? I […] The post 300strong appeared first...


CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 24 September, 2019 “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon 2-peat    Over the last 24 hours, total market capitalization dipped for the […] The post 300strong appeared first...

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