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Building a Blog with Next.js

In this article, we will use Next.js to build a static blog framework with the design and structure inspired by Jekyll. I’ve always been a big fan of how Jekyll makes it easier for beginners to setup a blog and at the same time also provides a great degree of control over every aspect of...

Building Serverless GraphQL API in Node with Express and Netlify

I’ve always wanted to build an API, but was scared away by just how complicated things looked. I’d read a lot of tutorials that start with “first, install this library and this library and this library” without explaining why that was important. I’m kind of a Luddite when it comes to these...

Let’s Make a Multi-Thumb Slider That Calculates The Width Between Thumbs

HTML has an <input type="range">, which is, you could argue, the simplest type of proportion slider. Wherever the thumb of that slider ends up could represent a proportion of whatever is before and whatever is after it (using the value and max attributes). Getting fancier, it’s possible...


I remember searching for tutorials for making seamless patterns in Photoshop¹ all the time back in the day. It’s fun to see this little website for building repeating patterns as its one job. It does everything you’d expect: pick a background, drag some decorations onto it and position...

Building a hexagonal grid using CSS grid

I think of grids as arrangements of rectangles with vertical and horizontal lines running through. And they are, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still do clever things in how we place things on those grids and what we do with the elements afterwards. In this demo by Jesse Breneman,...

A Primer on Display Advertising for Web Designers

A lot of websites (this one included) rely on advertising as an important revenue source. Those ad placements directly impact the interfaces we build and interact with every day. Building layouts with ads in them is a dance of handling them in fluid environments, and also balancing the need...

Global CSS options with custom properties

With a preprocessor, like Sass, building a logical “do this or don’t” setting is fairly straightforward: $option: false; @mixin doThing { @if $option { do-thing: yep; } } .el { @include doThing; } Can we do that in native CSS with custom properties? Mark Otto shows...

Building Your First Serverless Service With AWS Lambda Functions

Many developers are at least marginally familiar with AWS Lambda functions. They’re reasonably straightforward to set up, but the vast AWS landscape can make it hard to see the big picture. With so many different pieces it can be daunting, and frustratingly hard to see how they fit seamlessly into...

Jamstack News!

I totally forgot that the Jamstack Conf was this week but thankfully they’ve already published the talks on the Jamstack YouTube channel. I’m really looking forward to sitting down with these over a coffee while I also check out Netlify’s other big release today: Build Plugins. These are plugins...

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