
Nalezeno "ai transactions": 2094

What is Monero? A Brief History of the World’s Top Privacy Coin

Monero currently occupies the foremost position among privacy cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization. The following Learning and Insights explainer briefly delves into the origins and development of Monero (XMR), emphasizing its distinctive features, such as anonymous transactions...

B2BinPay v17 Update – the Next Step for Crypto Payment Solutions

The B2BinPay team has just announced the release of B2BinPay v17, a substantial update that polishes and perfects the crypto payment experience. As one of the industry leaders, B2BinPay has been a global go-to facilitator for crypto transactions. B2BinPay’s crypto solutions are celebrated...

$21 Million in ‘Sleeping Bitcoins’ Awaken After Years of Dormancy 

Despite Bitcoin’s (BTC) price dipping 6.4% this week and hovering below the $26K mark, a flurry of activity was noted between September 5th and 6th as several substantial ‘sleeping bitcoins’ stirred. After a lull of slightly over six years, an individual splurged 359.92...

Beyond transactions: The multifaceted impact of Binance coin (BNB)

Binance Coin (BNB) is a cryptocurrency developed and adopted by Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. It was intended to be used within the platform to facilitate transactions. Every quarter, BNB holders get up to 50% of Binance’s trade fees as payouts in the form...

NFT Sales Slide for Third Consecutive Week Amid Crypto Downturn

Sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken another hit, declining over 10% from the previous week, with transactions totaling $85,046,840 since Saturday, August 26, 2023. This marks the third consecutive week of falling NFT sales, reflecting the broader crypto economy’s downturn and...

Litecoin and Bitcoin Spark: The dynamic duo for lightning-fast transactions

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary innovation and advancement slowly shaping the world. However, blockchain networks have long battled slow transactions and inefficiencies due to the high computational requirements needed to approve transactions and validate adding new blocks. Litecoin...

Report: Nigerian Central Bank Sued for Dollarizing Economy

In a lawsuit filed by a Nigerian human rights activist, the country’s central bank is accused of failing to stop the dollarization of the economy. According to the activist, the central bank’s unwillingness to stop economic agents from demanding U.S. dollars for domestic transactions...

Social Media Powerhouse X Paves the Way for Digital Transactions

Social media giant X, still reffered to many as Twitter, has obtained the regulatory green light to introduce cryptocurrency payments for its users. X's intent to integrate crypto solutions into its platform are well known, and the company is well-equipped to advance its goals thanks to an eToro...

Binance Removes Sanctioned Russian Banks From P2P Platform

Crypto exchange Binance has dropped Russian banks under sanctions from the payment options on its peer-to-peer (P2P) platform. Russian traders can no longer use cards issued by these banks to make payments while transactions in foreign fiat currencies are also restricted for them. Binance No Longer...

Only 2 % of Russians Ready to Keep All Their Savings in Digital Ruble: Poll

While over half of Russians are willing to put some money into their nation’s digital ruble, only 2% say they would keep all their savings in it. Insufficient information and fear of system failures are among the biggest factors turning people away from the government-issued digital currency....

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