Electron Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash to Mobile Phones
The developers behind the Bitcoin-Cash-based Electron Cash light client have added a slew of new features to the latest 4.0.6 version. Now Electron Cash users can send bitcoin cash to mobile phones via the Cointext service. In addition to this new functionality, the Cashshuffle implementation...
Bitcoin Cash and SLP-Fueled Badger Wallet Launches for iOS
On June 3, the popular bitcoin cash (BCH) light client Badger Wallet launched its open beta version for iOS mobile devices. Now Apple users can download the wallet in order to store, send and receive BCH alongside the ability to do the same with Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens in a noncustodial...
Testing the Noncustodial Button Wallet With BCH Over Telegram Messenger
Users of the Telegram-infused cryptocurrency Button Wallet can now purchase digital assets through its partnership with the payment processor Wyre. Button Wallet allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies like BCH, ETH, BTC, LTC, and ETC through the Telegram messaging app....
Unconfirmed: Telegram’s TON Testnet Blockchain Light Client Uploaded to GitHub
The Telegram Open Network light client testnet has been seemingly uploaded by a GitHub user
Developer Creates Interwallet Transfer Plugin to Strengthen Bitcoin Cash Privacy
The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) protocol and infrastructure continue to see relentless development. The Electron Cash Cashshuffle implementation has enhanced bitcoin cash fungibility by providing users with the ability to shuffle coins. Now a developer has announced the launch of the Interwallet transfer...
How to Prove Ownership With a Bitcoin Cash Address and Digital Signature
Bitcoin is an amazing form of money and the technology Satoshi created has incredible potential. However, most people don’t realize that the blockchain not only allows for a great medium of exchange, but it also provides the means for creating notarized proofs. The following walkthrough aims...
Amazon Patent Casts Light on Plans to Create Proof-of-Work Blockchain Analog
Amazon could be on the road to creating some form of cryptocurrency system with latest patent award
Automotive Supplying Giant Bosch Decides to Go For Platinum Light Fuel Cells
As everyone knows, traditional vehicles which use fuel cells propelled by metals are often held responsible for the pollution that is spread in the environment and over the years, there have been numerous calls for cells to have a lower metal content. However, nothing much came to pass over...
Earth day, API’s and sunshine.
Cassie Evans showcases some really nifty web design ideas and explores using the API provided by the company her team over at Clearleft recently hired to cover their building's roof with solar panels. Cassie outlines her journey designing a webpage that uses the API to populate some light data...
Build Light-Weight REST and Realtime Apps with FeathersJS
In the barest of definitions, Feathers is a simple minimalistic realtime framework for web applications built over Express. What this means is that with Feathers, you can keep using middlewares but
prefers-color-scheme: CSS Media Query
One device and app feature I’ve come to appreciate is the ability to change between light and dark modes. If you’ve ever done late night coding or reading, you know how amazing a dark theme can be for preventing eye strain and the headaches that result. macOS recently implemented...
React indeterminate
I’ve fallen in love with React.js and JSX over the years; state-based rendering and a logical workflow have made me see the light of this modern framework. That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get a bit frustrated that the “simple” things seem harder than they should...
The Fragmented, But Evolving State of CSS-in-JS
TLDR: The CSS-in-JS community has converged on a consistent API.
Not so long ago, a Facebook engineer compiled a list of the available CSS-in-JS methodologies. It wasn’t short:
aphrodite, babel-plugin-css-in-js, babel-plugin-pre-style, bloody-react-styled, classy, csjs, css-constructor, css-light...
Don’t Use The Placeholder Attribute
Eric Bailey takes a hardline position on <input placeholder>.
You might be thinking, as I did: yeah, yeah I know the pitfalls. I'm capable of using placeholder responsibly. But when you look at all the negatives together:
Can’t be automatically translated;
Is oftentimes used in place of...
Five of My Favorite Features of Jetpack
Jetpack is an official WordPress plugin directly from Automattic. It's an interesting plugin in that it doesn't just do *one thing* — it does a whole slew of things that enhance what your WordPress site can do. *Any* WordPress site, that is, and often with extremely little effort. Those easy...
Potkat a najít správné lidi je důležité, říká zakladatel XTND Miroslav Peřina
Nikdy nevíte, koho potkáte a kde ho potkáte. Tomu, jak je důležité umět představit svůj nápad během několika málo okamžiků, i to, kde se můžete potkat s těmi správnými lidmi, se věnoval jeden ze seminářů ostravského univerzitního akcelerátoru GREEN LIGHT. Ačkoliv probíhá na půdě VŠB-Technické...
Pod pokličkou programu GREEN LIGHT. Jak se akcelerují startupy na severní Moravě?
Jak říkal už Abraham Lincoln, „vážení občané, nemůžeme uniknout historii“, a proto i krátký exkurz do našeho startupového programu nemůže začít bez trochy nostalgie. Píše se rok 2012. Slovo startup se začíná zabydlovat v českém slovníku. V Americe jistý student Evan Spiegel odchází ze Stanfordu...
Ženy ve startupech (16): RentRocket, SharyGo, GREEN LIGHT
Svět startupů, IT a technologií obecně zůstává stále mužskou doménou. A za nás je to velká škoda, protože nejrychleji rostoucí trh si zaslouží ty nejšikovnější lidi a kolem poloviny šikovných lidí tvoří právě ženy. Proto jsme se rozhodli představit vám některé z žen, které na současné české...
Midweek Steam Sale, Mario Kart Slot Cars, and More Deals
Steam's offering a surprisingly huge midweek sale on a ton of mystery-themed games, including Gone Home ($8), L.A. Noire ($5), Alan Wake ($5), and a lot more. [Steam]Read more
Child of Light, Humble Comics Bundle, Home Theater Gear, Vonnegut
One of my most anticipated games of the year, Child of Light, finally releases tomorrow. Amazon's been running a promo forever where digital pre-orders nab you $5 digital games credit, and since the game is out tomorrow, your window to grab that deal could get cut off at any time today....