Windows 11 přinesou Focus Session s integrovaným Spotify. Pomůže se soustředěním se na práci
Microsoft chystá do Windows 11 celou řadu funkcí. Jednou z nich by měla být Focus Session, která pomůže se soustředěním na práci. Fungovat bude v rámci aplikace Budík a hodiny a integrováno bude i Spotify. O chystané novince se na Twitteru pochlubil Panos Panay, vedoucí vývoje Windows a řady
Two Hours With Back 4 Blood, The Next Big Game By Left 4 Dead Devs
I don’t need to sell you on the brilliance of Left 4 Dead, especially when half the industry seems to be drawing inspiration from it right now. But after two hours with Back 4 Blood‘s verses and campaign modes, does it have the same genre-defining charm? That’s hard to say.Read more
[článek] Drahé Windows 365, Google vydá vlastní čip do telefonů, datacentrum Huawei v Moskvě
[4 minuty čtení] Windows začnou blokovat nežádoucí aplikace. Ze starších Androidů se nepřihlásíte ke Googlu. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa IT. Co se událo v tomto týdnu?
Agent 47, Welcome To The Flower Show
Hitman 3's latest event, out today, is the Dartmoor Garden Show. Doesn’t it just look serene.Read more
Last Of Us 2 Enemies Used To Have Exploding Butts
There are all sorts of ways for The Last of Us Part II’s infected to kill you, but one of the more entertaining ones never made it out of production. According to pre-alpha gameplay, the game used to have death by ass blast.Read more
All Those Cool Games You Thought Were Already On PS4 Are Coming To PS4
Typically, big companies batch their announcements. Maybe that’s by way of a digital showcase, or issuing a press release. In those long-ago, very precedented times, it could even involve shuffling hundreds of folks into an auditorium where they might catch a glimpse of Keanu Reeves. Today, Sony...
The Mess Around Whether To Boycott Activision Blizzard
On July 20 California filed a lawsuit against Call of Duty and World of Warcraft maker Activision Blizzard alleging widespread workplace issues over the years including sexual harassment and gender-based pay discrimination. A week after employees formed a worker group to push for better working...
That Time Konami Made A Game About Fat-Shaming A Penguin
On its surface, Yume Penguin Monogatari seems like a standard, early ‘90s NES platformer. It features a lovable hero, colorful environments, and a catchy, chiptune soundtrack from the old masters at Konami. But beneath all that, this classic side-scroller is also so bluntly, nakedly fatphobic that...
Getting Into Match For Popular Arena Shooter Splitgate No Longer Impossible
Splitgate, a free-to-play arena shooter that bills itself as a mix between Halo and Portal, is having a moment. You might even be able to play it now.Read more
Windows 11: Microsoft Store se teď sice může naplnit aplikacemi, ale má to jednu podstatnou vadu
Microsoft s přípravou Windows 11 upravil pravidla pro publikování aplikací do Storu. Nově do něj budou moci vývojáři bez jakýchkoliv úprav nahrát klasické programy typu Win32. Jenže to má i jeden háček.
Uživatelé nebudou muset na webu hledat instalátory setup.exe nebo setup.msi, ale
Embracer Group Buys Seven Studios, Including Duke Nukem's 3D Realms
The Embracer Group, an enormous corporate blob encompassing publishers like Gearbox, THQ Nordic and Deep Silver, has just bought seven new studios, including 3D Realms (Duke Nukem) and Ghost Ship Games (Deep Rock Galactic).Read more
Windows 10 budou automaticky blokovat potenciálně nežádoucí aplikace. Jak ochranu vypnout?
Windows 10 budou blokovat potenciálně nežádoucí aplikace • Dosud bylo rozhodnutí na uživateli, nyní MS funkci zapíná všem • Ukážeme vám, jak blokování nežádoucích aplikací vypnout
Gone Home Studio Co-Founder Steps Down After Allegations Of 'Toxic' Workplace
Steve Gaynor, the co-founder of Gone Home developers Fullbright, has left his position as creative lead and manager on their latest game Open Roads following allegations he fostered a “toxic” work environment.Read more
Go Find The Grand Canyon In Microsoft Flight Sim They Said, It’ll Be Easy They Said
I finally saw the Grand Canyon. It was cool. It wasn’t worth it.Read more
Super Monkey Ball x Jet Set Radio Crossover Is Like A Tasty Peanut Butter Cup
Jet Set Radio protagonist Beat will appear in the upcoming Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania as a playable character, Sega announced this morning.Read more
The OG Halo Announcer Is Winning The Internet's Heart Right Now
Usually Halo multiplayer announcer Jeff Steitzer says things like “Double Kill”, “Triple Kill”, and “Killing Spree.” But this time, at the request of folks on celebrity video request platform Cameo, he’s saying much more—and winning the internet’s heart in the process.Read more
The Sims 4: Cottage Living Is Already One Of Its Best Expansions
There are some “must-haves” for fans of The Sims. These are staples that are so ingrained in our IRL worlds or the franchise that a Sims game feels lacking without them: Attending university, having a pet, changing seasons, family gameplay, something magical or otherworldly, oh, and farming.Read...
What You Should Know About Solar Ash, From The Makers Of Hyper Light Drifter
If you played Hyper Light Drifter, you got your ass kicked by Hyper Light Drifter. Heart Machine’s top-down action RPG was a bona fide gauntlet designed to run you through the wringer (a lot) before you acclimated to its resolutely unforgiving peculiarities. So you might be pleased to hear that...
Splitgate Not Only Slaps, It's The Best Arena Shooter I've Played In Years
As good as Halo Infinite‘s beta was the other day, it has a problem. Splitgate does the same brand of gunplay just as well, and it’s got portals.Read more
Pharaoh Rebirth+ Has That Nostalgic PlayStation Sound
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s ongoing hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today we’re digging into the music of Pharaoh Rebirth+, a hidden gem buried amid the ever-growing numbers of forgotten games on Steam.Read more