
Nalezeno "Bitcoin China": 71

Bitcoin Slips in Latest Crypto Ranking by Chinese Government-Backed Center

China’s Center for Information and Industry Development has revised its rankings of 37 crypto projects. Bitcoin has fallen from the previous ranking. As the Chinese government focuses on launching its central bank digital currency, the Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID)...

Chinese Court Rules Bitcoin Is Asset Protected by Law

A court in Shanghai, China, has reportedly ruled that bitcoin is an asset protected by Chinese law in a case that has dragged on for years. The case involves a theft of two different cryptocurrencies, one being bitcoin, from an American. The defendants argued that bitcoin was not recognized under...

China Now Censors Anti-Blockchain Sentiment, Educates Public on Bitcoin

Officially Bullish on blockchain technology, China is now reportedly censoring anti-blockchain sentiment. Meanwhile, a popular Chinese app with over 100 million active users has recommended a course on bitcoin, blockchain, and smart contracts. The app is designed to teach “Xi Jinping...

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