
Nalezeno "DeFi ecosystem": 72

ABEYCHAIN Launches Decentralized Exchange XSWAP

ABEY Foundation, the organization that oversees the activities of multi-layer blockchain protocol ABEYCHAIN has revealed the launch of XSWAP: its native decentralized exchange. This development is expected to herald the beginning of innovations with the ABEYCHAIN DeFi ecosystem. XSWAP: Built...

Binance Smart Chain Dethroning Ethereum as Backbone of Defi Ecosystem

Disclaimer: The Industry Talk section features insights by crypto industry players and is not a part of the editorial content of The blockchain ecosystem witnessed explosive growth in 2020, thanks to the surging popularity of DeFi and NFTs. The growth has amplified the limitations...

Simplex Tie-Up With Kava Brings Fiat Directly to Defi

As Kava works to expand its multi-asset defi platform’s appeal, the inclusion of Simplex’s fiat-to-crypto processing infrastructure will provide a fresh avenue for users to enter the defi ecosystem with fewer steps and conversions. New On-Ramp to Streamline Defi Accessibility...

Solana Aims to Raise $450 Million to Battle Ethereum Supremacy

Solana, a proof-of-stake, smart contracts-enabled currency, is aiming to raise $450 million in a funding round that was extended last March. The Solana ecosystem, which is backed by Sam Bankman-Fried, founder and CEO of derivatives exchange FTX, would use these funds to take on Ethereum supremacy...

TRON DeFi Ecosystem Has a New Participant, YFX

TRON, the leading blockchain-based operating system that aims to build a global digital content entertainment platform, has been making a huge investment in DeFi since 2020. In its effort to solidify its DeFi position in the market, TRON has teamed up with leading platforms like JUST,...

DeFi Yield Protocol (DYP) Launches Decentralized Tools Dashboard

Yield Farming protocol DYP has launched its long-awaited DYP Tools. DYP Tools V1 is a decentralized tools dashboard built with features that will increase the use cases for DYP Token and the entire DeFi ecosystem. The tool dashboard serves as a liquidity locker for any DeFi project and protects...

Tether to Launch USDT Natively on Avalanche

The blockchain company Tether has announced it will make available its stablecoin token as a native asset in Avalanche, a smart contract platform that has picked steam in the last year. Avalanche has a growing decentralized finance (defi) ecosystem, so this launch will most likely improve...

DeFi Ecosystem Continues to Grow at an Enviable Pace

The ecosystem of decentralized finance (DeFi) is on a roll. It is among the most rapidly growing segments in the cryptocurrency sphere. According to the latest estimates, the total number of wallets in the DeFi has crossed the two-million milestone. Dune analytics (a platform involved in mapping...

xSigma DeFi Is a Game Changing Protocol Backed by a NASDAQ Listed Company

The DeFi ecosystem has been growing faster than anyone can keep up with recently. Billions of dollars in digital assets are invested, despite all the problems the current services suffer from. Buggy code, security vulnerabilities and shady anonymous developers are just some of the issues that...

EcoChain’s Capital Logic Will Transform the DeFi Ecosystem

Decentralized finance(DeFi) has taken the blockchain network by a storm and is now arguably the most discussed topic. Although it has been a roller coaster ride, the DeFi network has grown enormously in size and number. Today, the total value locked in DeFi contracts is more than $11b. Forex Market...

After Banning ICOs China’s Defi Ecosystem Grows Exponential This Year

The decentralized finance (defi) ecosystem has become a multi-billion dollar industry and quite a bit of the popularity is stemming from China. While a number of defi projects from the West like Uniswap, Compound, and Makerdao are popular in the country, China is also creating its own landscape...

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